March 21, 2012

I called a RE agent about some acreage in my town and found out about another property, also acreage. I then talked to the owner/builder of the second acreage and he said it was set up for a condominium community. The owner said he was planning on putting a condominium community in there until his 2 business partners got sick. He's already building a sub-division in Davison. He doesn't have the time right now so he wants to sell the property. It has the road(s), sewer and water in right now. It still needs gas and electricity. I talked to the zoning commissioner in town and he said everyone on the board is for it. Which is really something considering this town didn't want to get any bigger. And I've lived here for 36 years.

y first 3 assignments/ Maybe not be able to assign YIKES

skytrolly's picture

Ok.. so I secured these property contract!
(2) called all the buyers: approx 5 all I have!
Some say calling me back, but yet taking no action
Me:, freaking out and ****ing off my Realtor. My true feelings, I want my realtor to get paid, I want to show him I am a sucess. The Realtor told me he does not think fair to lock up a property w/seller if I am not going to buy properties. Or, get them assigned. Does not want to ruin his reputation. He did write me a scathing e-mail about this business and said "buyers are liar's"
I asked him to put a note in for earnest money on one property, he said if deal didn't happen basically by tomorrow Monday that house was going back to seller to market. I told him his is March and if seller did not sell at his price, I am not delaying his opportunity to sell in an active market of May or June, IT'S MARCH. That I needed his assistance to make these work, for The seller, and for US.

I suppose I need more buyers.