Buyer's List Anxiety!

Well this is my first blog entry in what should prove to be an interesting process to say the least! I am currently working on building my buyer's list to get started with wholesaling. It's so wild going through the mental process that I am going through!

I understand the importance of building a buyer's list and I even have a plan on how I am going to build that list (thanks to support from DG!). The crazy part is the "battle" I am having with myself over enacting my plan with the faith that I will have the support to perform the next steps. This is my first experience with real estate, which probably adds to my anxiety (which is probably mostly based on NOTHING!), but at the same time really motivates me to dive in head first.

I have wondered out loud on multiple occasions about whether or not I'd have the guts to jump into the deep end of a pool today if I did not know how to swim. I started swimming very early, so it's second nature to me, and I can't unlearn it. Starting off as a fresh newbie in real estate can be my deep end of the pool, if I choose to view/treat it that way.

So that is my goal today, to vow to not let this opportunity pass and not only jump into the deep end, but do it off the high dive, because it's going to be more fun that way! So I am off to build that buyer's list, and not over-think the process!

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