Our 2nd deal about to close for 5K

We are ready to close our 2nd deal July 20th. The end buyer was USDA approved. We had to structure the deal a little differently, to make sure we got our money, but we learned a new method of profiting, even when the end buyer needed financing and the bank would not use our title company. Great Investing!

Workshop In Indy

LTonda's picture

Hi DG Family,
I'm still trying to get up the courage to take the first step. I like what Dean said in your blog for Indepedence Day and I do want July to be my Independence. I understand Dean is coming to Indianapolis July 12-16 and that I should be able to sign up throught the website. I cannot find it here could soemone point me in the right direction. I really need to be there and I am bringing two guest as well.
PS Have a wonderful 4th of July

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