Newby steps, off the cliff!!!

This is my first blog entry, anywhere! I've started, and subsquently stopped, various investment ventures. However, I've become more serious with real estate as a result of the pressure that I'm experincing as a wage earner.

If I don't utilize the tools that I have available to me now, I'm sunk. I've started using Dean's [Graziosi] Rock Bottom Blue Print program. It's a good think that I've started, now! The proverial hand writing is on the wall. A new company has entered into contract services at the facility that I work at. And, they are vowing cut backs. I'm already bleeding to death, like I need to be hacked up some more.

Well, so far, I have a meeting to the Richmond REIA to attend tonight. That should help me to start filling up my buyer's bucket. And, I have a real estate attorney on board. Finally, I was contacted by a go-getter of a real estate agent. He sent me a list of 34 listings for sale. Initially, I thought that it was just a retail property list, that is until I reviewed the tax assessment values and the comps. It looks like the seller bucket is gonna have a property or two for my buyers to consider soon.

I can do this, I gotta do this. I'll post my progress weekly. Any words of advise, or encouragement are deeply appreciated and welcomed.


kareng's picture

Good for you for getting started. We have to take the first step somewhere.

I would also suggest filling out your bio a little more fully. As you ask questions here, we look at that to get an idea of where you are and to know a little about you. It will help us know that you are taking this seriously and just looks a little more professional.

Good luck in your Real Estate journey. Your support team on this site is priceless!



I was a little concerned about how much information to include in my bio. I can be a little long-winded. But, I will definately up date and expand on it as you have recommended Karen. And, thanks again.