
All About GeorgeofVIrginia

George Peay
Colonial Heights, Virginia
About Me: 

I'm a 53 year old new real estate investor, that is as of August 2011. I spent four years in the United States Navy as a Hospital Corpsman (a medic.) During my time in the service, I got married to a young lady that I met in my first year at college in Long Island, NY. We have two lovely daughters from our union. However, we did divorce after fifteen years of marriage.

When I was discharged from the Navy in 1979, I attended and subsequently graduated from a small college in New York. I worked in the insurance industry for about five years, before the markets started to receed in the mid-1980's. I had to find employment, so I when back to what I knew, medicine...specifically, nursing. I worked my way up from a nursing attendant to a licensed practial nurse. I did manage to earn a good living until about 2007. Between institutions tightening there belts, and my lost of love of nursing [that's a whole different kettle of fish], I started investing alternative means of earnings.

I've been a stock investor for over 18 years, as well as a currency trader for the past three years now. But, both ventures I have met with less than spectacular results. Although, I still particate in those markets. My kids, who are grown now, have been pushing me to try my hand at real estate. I have tried the Carlton Sheet's method in the 1980's without success. So, when I really listened to the Dean Graziosi info-merials, for the twenty or thirty time, it sounded plausable. I bought his book, "Be a Real Estate Millionare." It did accent the coffee table nicely for a year and one-half. Then, I got an email about one of his local presentations. I did attend, and once I heard about the cost...I slipped out during the intermission.

The Graziosi organizion did not give up on me, I received another email regarding a new program, "The Rock Bottom Blue Print" formula. A three day infor-merial feast. I was half conscious, after having worked a 12-hour shift the night before, but I did list and watch every single minute of Dean's webcast. And, once they made a payment schedual offer that I could live with, I when for it.

As I say, I am a newby. So, I'm going through the first program, which is the "30 Day Quick Cash" formula. So far, it's tough...but, I'm stubborn. I intend to make this work...I'll keep you posted.

Fishing, golf, trading [stock, currencies,] reading, and eventually (when I get my R.E. business running) I'm going back to school for mathematics.

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #153 - When Negativity Becomes Destructive dgadmin20012 years 10 weeks ago
CASH BUYERS NEEDED!! AVA LLC1412 years 42 weeks ago
TAX AUCTION TODAY!!! Jay Sthilaire3012 years 42 weeks ago
My first deal $4,700.70 check to me today! jholden4713 years 13 weeks ago
“I Can’t Flip This House” dgadmin24313 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit


Welcome George

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to the DG family. Tons of info here.

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