IT HAS COME UP ON ONE OF OUR FaceBook Blogs the discussion about becoming Acrredited by an outside group. I am posting here for all of my feeling on this. Many are starting off for the fist time, while some have been doing this for maybe a cople of years at best... THEN there are the HONEST TO GOODNESS SUPERSTARS. Wow, they are miles above us.. And they too are here in these blogs and foreums. They don't seem to need any outside Accrediation. I will be happy this April to finally meet them and just shake their hands and say thank you for what I learn right here in DG.Com Yes I used FB Blogs... and others. But this is where it's at. Everybody tells me Dean Graziosi is a regular guy. I'm sure he is and to me in one way he is "what you see is what you get!" Well, I bet Robert Duvall and Experience Actors of all types are too... And I still get start struck and I still want their autography because their work affected my life in some special way. So yea, it's not likely that Dean and I will ever be close friends. But gosh, I cannot wait to meet him and just say thanks! And trust me, at my age with my experience it a cool thing to feel that here is somebody that can't help himself but to continue to help and look out for me, the student. That friends is rare! Now I'm attaching what I posted on one FaceBook Blog. It's some of the same but different. And some of it is certainly for you!
You know I've given this some thought... What is an accredited professional? Don't need that. I might be more inclined to Hire one for some purpose. You do need that for self identification for anything. I don't see Carol Stinson and Rina and other seeking a need for it. I believe it's actually thinking too small. Think big! You are going to be so successful, if you are not already, that you need the accreditation! What, you going to became a teacher like Dean? Get over it! We should be directing those who come to us to him, especially from this group.
I've had it up to here with Investors who were Ex DG Students who now profess to be R/E Gurus, many who are here out of Phoenix. And their star students after 5 years are NOT thorough, not Full Service to the end buyers and in general are loners and don't build networds or organizations and are fleeting. None of them build companies that I see, which is really the next step for many of you! I know many non DG Investors who I really admire and they all built real companies! And to a one they ALL respect the quality of the experienced DG Invester!
Many of you really need to get to your community colleges and get more continuing education and really start to build companies and have employees and start bringing your successes to the system! Not just trying to keep you tax bill down!
Many are always looking for short cuts. Dean has no short cut! Look at all the people he employs! And all those people on the other end of the Hot Lines: They all buy properties. Many of you are in your 30s-mid 50's and this business is exciting and you and I are all learning, but it will put your butt in the grave if you are not careful. This is still a business and it should only take up so much time and NOW is when you learn to run a company, not 5 years from now. Many are always looking for shortcuts from those other R/E Gurus; they hit good numbers in earlier years and now are themselves looking to teach because they think it's coming to the end because they don't know the business the way those that contribute to this site know the business, the way we will learn at The Edge!
Many of those other Investors have faulty teachers.
We do not need accreditation or the approval from others outside this group. And I'm not in favor of seeking it. If Dean Graziosi comes up with a program I'd do it in a hairs breath! Have Carol, Rina, Tammy, Matt and Gregory and others put the course material together under Deans guidance... sure. They are the only ones who's respect in this field I'm seeking and the "numbers" are going to gain that! That's my take. We need but to first learn impeccably from eachother. Let's see what happens in another 2 or 3 years. This group is fantastic and also a hodge bodge and I dont' see myself for sure, and few of you as experts. We are mostly all far aways from such an idea. Our egos don't need the hit right now... rather we all need more deals! At least that's my take on it.
This is going to be posted under my Blog on the DG Site...