While this might all sound oh so technical, it really does matter because if you are going to invest as Flippers as we do, or Build or in some cases Remodel verses Rehab, not understanding things we often take for granted throughout the mainland can - and often - will come back to haunt you.. EVEN THEN LOCALS STILL GET CAUGHT UP in the Fickle Nature of what is just referred to as The Bishops Trust (verses Estate). You might not remember the following story, but commit the name to memory like a good Pinapple!
joeyharp_2001's blog
The Hawaiian Islands Are Open For Business!: Part 2: The Bishops Estate (Trust)
May 25th, 2012 | posted by joeyharp_2001The Hawaiian Islands Are Open For Business!
May 25th, 2012 | posted by joeyharp_2001HAPPY FRIDAY, MAY 25TH AND MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! As some of you know I hae been getting involved with purchaing a positive cash flowing Luxury Vacation Property, with 3 Stories/9bdrms + 12 Full & 3 Half Baths. It is Beyond Beautiful I am backing what will be a Wellness Center which will combine with this magnificent property.
First let me say that if any of you are interested in knowing what I know about doing SFRs in the Island, or other aspects of business or property purchases for busines on the Islands, please contact me FIRST> I am NOT an expert - YET. But I know a lot that will keep you way out of trouble.
April 17th, 2012 | posted by joeyharp_2001Hey Gang, you do NOT want to miss this tonight. There is always new things, good reminders and cobwebs that are addressed. I've been working MFPs direct to Hedge Funds and REITs and I wouldn't miss this, as I direct profits back into SFR's. I still go back and access past Conference Calls and other things audio and visual here.
The fact Mr. Dean Graziosi and Mr Matt Lawson take their time to continually share and give back... well, I'm amazed AND inspired! One single "something" could be the key to unlocking a stalled program you are trying to get going. Or it could be the inspiration for taking a giant step forward.
March 25th, 2012 | posted by joeyharp_2001IT HAS COME UP ON ONE OF OUR FaceBook Blogs the discussion about becoming Acrredited by an outside group. I am posting here for all of my feeling on this. Many are starting off for the fist time, while some have been doing this for maybe a cople of years at best... THEN there are the HONEST TO GOODNESS SUPERSTARS. Wow, they are miles above us.. And they too are here in these blogs and foreums. They don't seem to need any outside Accrediation. I will be happy this April to finally meet them and just shake their hands and say thank you for what I learn right here in DG.Com Yes I used FB Blogs... and others. But this is where it's at. Everybody tells me Dean Graziosi is a regular guy.
March 15th, 2012 | posted by joeyharp_2001IT IS A NEW DAY.. For All of us on this path of Financial Freedom. After all, this is why we have sought out his very credible training and network. Simply put, if I can help in anyway please contact me. If you are new to this Site, if you are experienced and you are coming back to this site having been gone for a while, know & remember there are thousands of us on the same path. Do NOT feel overwhelmed. This path is not rocket science: We have but to be Impeccable Warriors in our actions. Warriors because of the battle which is 98% with ourselves. If there is a battle, it is between our ears!
March 9th, 2012 | posted by joeyharp_2001THERE ARE ALWAYS "NEW WAYS TO SKIN A CAT" as my Dad used to say. Of course he was raised on a farm and he really did love cats! I'm finding that from other parts of my life through the years, I'm able to find creative solutions to apply to current conditions. Notice I did not use the word "Problems" and I seldom use the word "Challenge!" Don't like that last one at all; got those out of my vocabulary years ago. I think it was Mark Victor Hanson's very first tour back in the 70's where he'd point out that those two words "denoted doubt" which I thought was very, very astute and profound.