Starting first deal

We are just starting out as real estate investors. We have a agent and a broker. We also have a recorded message set up. We started to make a website but are having some difficulties. Our broker said he'd make it for us for free if he could sponsor his company in the footer. Is that a good idea? I don't want people to go straight to him and cut us out of the deals. We have some buyer's on our list but we are a little stuck on what is the next best step. Do we get them approved for a loan first if needed? Or do we find them a house first? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Jonathan and Tracey

Success Academy!!

jonathanANDtracey's picture

We are now students of Dean's Success Academy! We are so excited to be apart of the DG's Family! Looking forward to our future in real estate investing, couldn't have made this all possible with out dean!
Thank so much!


Jay Sthilaire's picture

SWEEET.. U r going to gain valuable knowledge in the success academy!!!!! U should keep building a buyers list. I would suggest finding out first if your realtor/broker is an investor friendly one before working with them.If u have them build a website and ad on this and all of a sudden u don't agree on how YOU do your investing then you wont be obligated for his ad since he did it for nothing.JUST find out first if both of u r on the same page. U have a good point about driving leads and deals to him for OTHERS. You want to lock up deals YOURSELF from the realtor then hand them off to YOUR just remember this.good luck...and way to go for TAKING ACTION! !

Thanks! I've told both

jonathanANDtracey's picture

Thanks! I've told both realtor/broker are intentions so they were well awhere from the start and they where perfect will it. We have constantly been building our buyers list, and always will be!!