Thank you Dean and Greg,

I was very sick on Sunday and Monday...Too much to mention here. If you have high blood pressure also known as HBP, then you may know about dizzy spells. I am back on my feet today. I can even drive again.

Got my signs (16) going to put them up today. Have to find a great real estate agent. I also need a title company that knows how to protect a finder's fee.

I do not think I have enough signs, but I shall start here. Looking also for PMI. Thank you Greg for the sign advice. I bought the Red Neck cornbread mix by the Cable Guy. It is at the Dollar Store. If you add two beaten eggs and one warm beer and two teaspoons of baking powder...the bread is so fluffy it rises like a cake. I will try my sings, please try my cornbread. Love to all. I am going to Home Depot now for my stakes. Taking my hammer and staple.

Love to all