I haven't Posted in a while

OH!, my fault, I told myself that I would post more often. My weekend went like this. Well, Friday before going to my clients homes (IN HOMECARE NURSING)Weekend Job.. I received a call from an angry buyer that I have been in contact with me from an agent that I placed an ad for. (Now going on for two months).

The buyer wants to put down $10,000 for this house that he wants really, really badly. We set up an Meet Up with my agent and Dan (Buyer). Agent never shows up, Dan calls after driving an hour. Oh, did I hear it! Dan states to me that "What Ever He Wants He Gets!"

I called Coach explained to him, he says to just go after more motivated buyers, Dan is a motivated but there and (Aggressive) is no communication from Zach (Agent). I really want to help Dan but what can I do? I don't know the seller, haven't talked to Seller.

So, I go about my weekend I take care of my elderly, run my errands for them. All the while I put out Bandit Signs out while I was out, got the Sat. newspaper, called every For Rent ad and spoke to several motivated sellers and will speak further on Monday now that I am home. Basically, that was my weekend so far.

We'll see what Donna a 66 yr older lady who wants retire wants to do with her Condo. Also, $155K Now Asking Price is $124,9K 2/1 980 sq ft. Simone who will call me here at home on Monday too, along with a couple more FSBO. One doesn't sound too motivated, but he did go down $33K on his asking Price, we will see this coming week what transpires. He is just asking for $400K instead of $433K for a 2/2 2/2 Duplex 2550Sq ft. Another Duplex 2/1 1/1 18++ sq ft. asking for $260K. He lowered by $10K.

I'll ask my agent Ashley to run the numbers in the morning. She and her husband invest,Also are members of the MNREIA, and the buy, fix, and flip and own their own contracting business. She'll know what do.

I'll ask my Rock Star Ash (My agent that I have partnered up with) for the CMAs on on the properties. She says that she would partner on my FSBOs with me.

That's it for now, Does anyone have any suggestions for Dan? He has no hard feelings toward me but he curses Zach, Badly,,

Signing Out,

OMG! What Has Dean Stirred Up NOW?

I leave the DG Family for a week putting My own Boots on the Ground working my investing, only to come back find that half of the DG Family is FILLED with that VILLIAN Dean just preached about ALL WEEK to kill.

I've detected a gang of animosity from the Family for not being able to afford the IE Program. What is really going on?

Me myself, I figure if you can't Beat em, Join em. (Baby girls), (Baby boys), just do YOU! Don't worry about what others are doin. As long as we've got (King Jesus). Just Believe and Achieve, and we will Succeed.

Sometimes, I takes us longer than others, that's not saying that we won't get to the Promised Land. Have faith.

Mark 11:22-24 (NKJV) I say to you, who ever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea; and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done,....by the way, I haven't done my first deal yet either;-) <5/mos in>
