Finding An Agent

Finding the right agent or agents to work with can be an interesting process. Agents come in all shapes and sizes and with every range of motivation to make money that you can imagine. Some agents are creative and willing learn. Other agents are rigid in their thoughts and can picture only a few ways that business can be done.

As a coach, one of the things I often hear from students is that a real estate agent seems to be pushing them out the door instead of wanting to work. The agent appears to be more interested in not working instead of finding properties.

As the father of six children I have come to appreciate the different phases in life each of my children is going through. My oldest child is 27 years old and my youngest is 6 years old. How I communicate with the two is totally different because of their ages.

I find real esate agents to be the same in a lot of ways. Many times we may overload an agent with information. Instead, start the relationship by giving the needed information and not all of the extra. At first, your agent simply needs to know that you are an investor and that you are looking for a certain type of property. As the relationship grows we can give more information until an agent fully understands what we are doing.

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