RoyVoeks's blog

Do Not Be Afraid of Work

With the right knowledge, the most important tool we have to use is our ability to work. If you know how to work and have the correct knowledge, you will succeed in this business. No doubt about it.

Also, keep in contact with others that are in the business. They will help you see things more clearly.

Work is not a dirty word. It pays to know how to work. Your pocketbook will grow with hard work.

Work hard and good luck.

Ask and You May Recieve

I was thinking about how often it comes up that a student asks me if she should ask for a concession or an opportunity in a deal. After all my years in real estate I have concluded that you should always ask for what you want. The worst that you can get is a no. Go for it.

180 Days on the MLS

Hey Roy, you always tell me that I should look for things that are old on the MLS. Why? The reason is simple. You are more apt to find an owner who will sell at a steep discount when his/her property has been for sale for a long time. When things are new on the MLS the owner has a different mindset even if his property is in terrible shape.

When things have been on the MLS for six months there is a trove of properties to look at for our needs. There are many hidden gems that no one has looked at in a long time. The price has often been dropped. The property is often vacant and the condition of the property is often in need of rehab. The motivation of the owner is high to get the prperty sold.

Finding Buyers

Roy, where do I find buyers? As one of Dean's coaches this is a question I am often asked. As long as you are flipping properties you will be needing buyers. Knowing where to look and who to talk to can often lead to tremendous success.

First of all, we need to let those around us know that we BUY and SELL real estate. We need to educate them on the benefits and returns of real estate investing. Does this mean be pushy? No, but we do let them know what we are doing and what real estate has done for us.

Do not be afraid to ask if someone would be interested in real estate. Believe it or not, the vast majority of people recognize that real estate is a great place to have their investment dollars. They often just do not know how to get there.

Finding an Agent, Part II

One of the things I often hear from students is that their agent keeps bringing properties that the student does not have an interest in. The agent often brings a "great" deal, but it does not meet the needs of the student.

I teach students that they must commuicate effectively and clearly with their agents. The agent must fully realize and understand exactly what we are looking for. Let them know why we are looking for a certain type of property.

Our purpose is not to be disrespectful to the agent. We want him/her to make money. Help them understand that they WILL make money if they help us find the right properties.

Good Luck.

Finding an Agent, Part I

As a coach, one of the questions I am often asked is, "How do I find an agent?"

Sometimes I think we go into overdrive when we start talking to an agent. We give them so much information that we may drive them away. Remember, they do not know what we know. By and large an agent does not have the same concept of what an investor is as compared to what we know. These differences can scare an agent off because he or she simply does not understand what we want to do.

Keep it simple. Tell an agent we are investors that have success by looking for particular properties. The following are what we are looking for in a property:

1. 180 days on the MLS
2. Vacant
3. The price has dropped at least once
4. The property needs rehab work

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