Know What You Want

Everyday I talk to individuals that tell me they want to do well in real estate. They tell me that they want to have all of their financial needs taken care of. They want to be free and secure.

I then ask them what that means. I usually get an answer that lacks very specific plans to meet their goals. They know what they want, but do not know how to get there.

One of the great things about this program, that Dean has developed, is that it is specific in what needs to be done. All can find success if they are willing to do the things they are taught in the program.

When we become focused on what we want we will begin to pay the price for that success. That price is finding time on a very regular basis to move towards owning and/or flipping property. We cannot do it with a half hearted effort. There is money to be made in every market with all kinds of properties. It can be done, if you know what you want.