
Show Me the Money! Sources of Funding for Real Estate

Show Me The Money

Real Estate Agents and Mortgage Brokers will tell you that there are only two sources of money for the purchase of real estate properties--Loans and Other Loans. This is what they have been trained on, and they have procedures in place to put transactions together using standard traditional financing.
But as investors, we seek for more varieties of ways to fund the purchase of properties. There are five categories of sources for funding, with some sub-categories below. My favorite method will be listed last, along with the reasons this method is my top choice for property purchases, and the reason I have used it more than any other method of funding for both personal residences and investment properties.

Questions to Ask in Interviewing a Real Estate Agent

Questions to Interview a Real Estate Agent

The first thing you need to know in conducting an interview is that the person who asks the questions controls the conversation. Real Estate agents are notorious for picking apart things that investors do, if you give them a chance. I believe that the reasons for their "attitude" toward investors comes from the following:
1) They have been trained only on one way to do transactions, investors do things differently, and they are unfamiliar, and therefore wary.
2) Many real estate agents are fearful that in some way investors will find a way to cut them out of the deal.

Are You Illegally Acting as an Agent?

Are you Illegally Acting as an Agent?
I have been communicating with someone in the program who received a letter from a local detective with the police force. A real estate agent has reported that she is illegally acting as an agent in her business, which is wholesaling.
She seems to be following all of the principles of the program, which would make all of her operations legal, but in spite of that, there is an agent who has somehow decided she is breaking the law and reported her.
I am writing this post to define the difference between agency and ownership, and how that applies to us. I am also writing it to warn you against the activity that can get you into trouble.

Two Sides to Every Deal

Two Sides to Every Deal
The well-rounded real estate investor is the one who has more than one technique in their real estate arsenal, so that as they encounter sellers with varying needs, they have solutions for a variety of circumstances.
In order for us to put together a good deal as a real estate investor, we need sellers who have the two magical qualities:
Motivation--A higher than average desire to sell, often times caused by some kind of pressure or circumstance beyond their control: divorce, transfer, loss of job, medical, run down property, etc.
Flexibility--The capability of accepting an offer that is not standard or traditional.

Turning Cash Buyers to Private Lenders

Turning Cash Buyers into Private Lenders

When I joined the program, I was pleased to see that a great emphasis is placed on finding cash buyers first, then finding properties to match their criteria.
What greater asset could we possibly have in our investing career than a list of people who have money in their pocket, who want to spend it with you, and will tell you exactly what they want to buy. It puts us in the role of personal shoppers, and if we simply match their criteria, then every property we bring them will be a guaranteed sale.

Choosing a RES Course Provider

To be qualified to work as a real estate sales agent also known as RES agent you will have to fulfill certain criteria. There is an exam that you have to clear and qualify yourself to work as an agent. Before you apply for the exam there is a course in real estate that you have to attend. This course should ideally be CEA approved RES courses. The course trains you to be qualified as authorized personnel in the real estate business regarding the sales aspect. For choosing a RES provider you should keep a few things in your mind. From the many choices you have first you can short list the colleges according to your likes.

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