Short check in. Doing the action-reaping the benefits (results)-getting closer to the "ultimate" goal. Working hard at setting up a good foundation, and, in my experience, as with any building work, this is the most important, usually "time consuming" part of a high quality finished product. This is just GREAT STUFF!
Lithiumrecharge's blog
Check In
January 19th, 2012 | posted by LithiumrechargeStanding by for the "Credit Webinar". Excited! The ad in Dean's video blog was really interesting. I have worked really hard to "repair" and improve my "score". Scary how these finance companies have this thing set up. Maybe these "Occupy" folk have a point? I't's maddening how we get gammed but as Philip explains- it is- it's just a big GAME. This will give a "BIG" heads up however. Prepared to be "booted" if this is a political trolling type statement. (not really sure what that is- but sorry if it offended)
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Sticking it out
January 18th, 2012 | posted by LithiumrechargeStaying active in this endeavor (mission) to change my life. I think as long as I just stay close, no matter what, hang in - suit up, show up, just act the part, even though I get discouraged or confused, spun out, whatever. Just stay close and keep active (focused)- things will come together. It's been a lot of fun so far, interesting to say the least, can't wait to see some dollars come out of this.
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moving along
January 16th, 2012 | posted by LithiumrechargeNew week tomorrow. This week has been great! Experiencing the benefits of the "goals strategy" program I ordered from Nightingale/Conant. ( Zig Ziglar) Way more energy, way more motivation, way more time....... I really get the feeling that Dean has used this, or is part of the program somehow. Anyway, same success strategies being applied if you "listen closely". I am listening closely.... taking notes, applying what I hear to my life,and moving forward. I know I will be successful doing this (REI) There is no dooubt in my mind now. However, that is not the be-all-do-all,end-all,solution to what ails me. Becomming "motivated to/for/at/with- life" has been an incredible "side benefit". All from getting involved with Dean's program. Thanks Dean!.......
Falling into place.
January 14th, 2012 | posted by LithiumrechargeOk, so I got some "tough love" from another member on my "journal". A little "stinging"... as any "truth" can be I guess, however I think the person is reading their own angle into it. I guess you just need to be careful of how much info you post up on these sites. I am really just talking to myself, however I do realize "others" are "free to listen in". Stinging part is the "comment" just reinforced how much time I've let go by not taking any action. IS that such a bad thing to feel messed up about?
Trudging,trudging ,trudging along.
January 13th, 2012 | posted by LithiumrechargeGot a real burst of energy here. Hey! like I found a million bucks! (well, almost). Came across this ad by Nightingale Conant when I was directed to Youtube, before Dean started me off with the PMI program. Got an e-mail from Terry at PMI to make sure I got the things he listed done before heading to the nexr step. So, I listend and watched a couple of inspirational video's and one of them included a Zig Ziglar spot.( not even sure if that was part of the assignment! could of got distracted and it was accidental?)Anyway, I got sold- I'm not sure if Dean is affiliated with these people but I WAS SOLD! Bought the (ordered the free ($1.00) 30 day trial))The videos are just incredible! Should be a mandatory part of the PMI education training. What a great motivational speaker!