Lithiumrecharge's blog

check in

Short check in. Doing the action-reaping the benefits (results)-getting closer to the "ultimate" goal. Working hard at setting up a good foundation, and, in my experience, as with any building work, this is the most important, usually "time consuming" part of a high quality finished product. This is just GREAT STUFF!

Check In

Standing by for the "Credit Webinar". Excited! The ad in Dean's video blog was really interesting. I have worked really hard to "repair" and improve my "score". Scary how these finance companies have this thing set up. Maybe these "Occupy" folk have a point? I't's maddening how we get gammed but as Philip explains- it is- it's just a big GAME. This will give a "BIG" heads up however. Prepared to be "booted" if this is a political trolling type statement. (not really sure what that is- but sorry if it offended)

Sticking it out

Staying active in this endeavor (mission) to change my life. I think as long as I just stay close, no matter what, hang in - suit up, show up, just act the part, even though I get discouraged or confused, spun out, whatever. Just stay close and keep active (focused)- things will come together. It's been a lot of fun so far, interesting to say the least, can't wait to see some dollars come out of this.

moving along

New week tomorrow. This week has been great! Experiencing the benefits of the "goals strategy" program I ordered from Nightingale/Conant. ( Zig Ziglar) Way more energy, way more motivation, way more time....... I really get the feeling that Dean has used this, or is part of the program somehow. Anyway, same success strategies being applied if you "listen closely". I am listening closely.... taking notes, applying what I hear to my life,and moving forward. I know I will be successful doing this (REI) There is no dooubt in my mind now. However, that is not the be-all-do-all,end-all,solution to what ails me. Becomming "motivated to/for/at/with- life" has been an incredible "side benefit". All from getting involved with Dean's program. Thanks Dean!.......

Falling into place.

Ok, so I got some "tough love" from another member on my "journal". A little "stinging"... as any "truth" can be I guess, however I think the person is reading their own angle into it. I guess you just need to be careful of how much info you post up on these sites. I am really just talking to myself, however I do realize "others" are "free to listen in". Stinging part is the "comment" just reinforced how much time I've let go by not taking any action. IS that such a bad thing to feel messed up about?

Trudging,trudging ,trudging along.

Got a real burst of energy here. Hey! like I found a million bucks! (well, almost). Came across this ad by Nightingale Conant when I was directed to Youtube, before Dean started me off with the PMI program. Got an e-mail from Terry at PMI to make sure I got the things he listed done before heading to the nexr step. So, I listend and watched a couple of inspirational video's and one of them included a Zig Ziglar spot.( not even sure if that was part of the assignment! could of got distracted and it was accidental?)Anyway, I got sold- I'm not sure if Dean is affiliated with these people but I WAS SOLD! Bought the (ordered the free ($1.00) 30 day trial))The videos are just incredible! Should be a mandatory part of the PMI education training. What a great motivational speaker!

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