Handyman Specials - CASH only (buy one or all) - starting at just over $3K

We have supply again (for everybody who missed it the last time around):

(Ohio) Handyman Specials - CA$H only - Buy ONE or all.... (direct buyers only)

206 houses (nationwide)
package price $878K

Individual houses range in price from $3,100 (IL, OH, MI, NY state) to just under $20K.

Please, contact me as soon as possible.... they usually go FAST!

Best regards,
Conny Wolfram

connywolfram at yahoo

REO, bulk, handyman, deal, special, wholesale, cash, nationwide, cheap, OH, Ohio

Panny to a dollar Akron, Ohio


I'm interested in these deals I live in the Akron, Ohio area. I am ready to do some Deals.


Columbus, Ohio homes

I am interested in homes in the Columbus, Ohio area. If you have any there please contact me.


hey rick

my name is david i am in columbus. i have found some great deals in columbus i am new but maybe we can talk sometime. bigman198@yahoo