Hi. This is an awesome crew. I like that I can post with those that can relate too the things that happen around here in eastern Mass.
Dean's books;Be a Real Estate Millionaire, Profit from Real Estate Right Now, have taken it's toll on me and I can't stress enough that I'll take these sleepless nights while on this sight.
I know things will change for the BE$T.
I am currently getting starting with a Buyer's List, starting with Craigslist.org" and building one of those "For Free" websites to attract Cash Buyer's and Those that can get finacing without a problem.
Any feedback is always welcome.
I am new and I listen
Thank You All.
Hi everyone,
I just had a couple of questions. I was wondering if anyone knows if you need to be registered to start your business? Also can you do any deals without being registered? I am very new to this all and im learning everyday but there are still a lot of things i dont quite understand. I appreciate any help i can get.
Thank you,