Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdon #168 - Identify Your Reason, Season & Lifetime People

A recent trip inspired this Weekly Wisdom episode. Dean encourages you to take time to be intentional, even thankful for everyone in your life.

Now if you're thinking, "Dean, you want me to be thankful for the jerk that cut me off on the freeway?!" ..don't miss the point.

There's a poem that suggests people come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime and you fill the same role for others as well.

As you watch this video, think about your family, friends, colleagues, real estate agents and other business or personal acquaintances. Ask yourself,
“What am I best equipped to help this person with?...What are they best equipped to help me with?” You'll walk away with a renewed perspective
of your place in the world and theirs. Enjoy!

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reason season lifetime

your so right when you talk about reason, season, lifetime also when to let go.thanks for that reminder.

I identify with this

mySHO95's picture

Finally catching up on W.W. It's been in my gmail DG folder for 2 months. It's just what I needed to hear now.

Weekly Wisdom #168

Hi Dean,

When you bring these cute and cuddly kids on with you, it's hard to concentrate on what you are saying. Your daughter is definitely learning from you. She donated her hair! Awesome!

Yes, I have had to let go of the really negative people in my life. It was not easy, but necessary. That's how I was able to accomplish so much in so short a time, while job hunting and doing exams. Once I even went to school for eleven straight days - computer classes and classes for my Z license.

Enjoy the day,