Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdon #168 - Identify Your Reason, Season & Lifetime People

A recent trip inspired this Weekly Wisdom episode. Dean encourages you to take time to be intentional, even thankful for everyone in your life.

Now if you're thinking, "Dean, you want me to be thankful for the jerk that cut me off on the freeway?!" ..don't miss the point.

There's a poem that suggests people come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime and you fill the same role for others as well.

As you watch this video, think about your family, friends, colleagues, real estate agents and other business or personal acquaintances. Ask yourself,
“What am I best equipped to help this person with?...What are they best equipped to help me with?” You'll walk away with a renewed perspective
of your place in the world and theirs. Enjoy!

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Reason, Season or Lifetime

Valiant's picture

Hey Dean,

Just watched this weeks "Wisdom" video and I must say that your daughter is precious. Sorry man but she stole the show.

Secondly, I can't imagine you as a shy kid. I picture this little Italian boy pitching cars and real estate to his friends.

Thirdly, if people haven't guessed by now, the best place on this planet to find people who believe in your own personal "reason, season, and lifetime" dreams is here on

Thanks again. Wish the best in weeks to come.



I have always known people come through our lives for a reason. I have not thought before today about the 'Season' or 'Lifetime' perspective. I will need to remember this! Thank you Dean!

Good Advice, Baby Girl Is So Cute!

So true Dean, usally people that are true friends you will know it right away. But this generation of people are different than the baby boomers generation in my days. Everyone need to evaulate why that person is in their life, and whether it is for a reason, season, or a lifetime. Only wish I could of found more lifetime firends than users in my lifetime. Wonderful weekly advice.

Darling Daughther!!

jeannieo's picture

Dean, your daughter is such a darling little girl and I know how proud you must be! I think it's wonderful that she wanted to help others by giving her hair to those in need. That just shows me more how much you want to help your students because you are teaching your children those same principles.

My husband and I just went to the 3-day workshop in Ontario, CA this past week end and it was amazing! We learned so much and reignited that flame to get ourselves moving in the right direction. Mark was a terrific trainer and his team were all wonderful. Thanks for having things like that for us!


There are Reasons for everything in our life. Thanks

Beautiful Daughter!

cbrindamour's picture

Not only on the outside, but on the inside! Locks of Love at her age! Priceless!!

A reason, a season, or a lifetime.

The first thing that comes to mind is: when the student is ready the mentor will appear. Those are the "reason" or maybe "lifetime".

Dean, I think that you have been brought into all of our lives for a reason and hopefully a lifetime!

Thanks for teaching us about real estate and continuing to believe in us!

Reason, seasom. or a lifetime

Once again Dean you are so right. I believe when negative or toxic people cross your path, you meet them for a reason. But the divine design is not for them to be there for a lifetime. I always examine the situation like this: What am I suppose to learn from this? I always get an answer. When we learn what we are suppose to learn from the encounter, then that person is gone from your life.

Thanks Dean,


A reason, a season, a lifetime and uncondoitional love

Tina1's picture


You don't cease to amaze! Thank you for sharing your personal side with us, again. I might guess that you raise your children by suggestion; much the way you teach us. How pleased you must be that she is giving and mindful of others at such a young age.

Here's to purposeful choices of lifetime relationships and to the unconditional love all children deserve to help them become the person they are.

My Brianna turns 27 tomorrow and I feel so blessed she calls me nearly every day and includes me in her life no matter where in the world she is.

As always, thank you for your passion!

-- Tina

Needed this

First of all, your daughter is just precious. I do have a little problem believing you were ever shy so maybe there's hope for me to overcome that problem someday, too.

I lost a 25-year old friendship to a religious cult. It just broke my heart because we were like sisters. She was like the sibling sister I never had. I've had a hard time forgiving that person but now I understand that our friendship just was no longer in alignment and I needed to let it go and stop mourning its loss. The friendship outlived its purpose evidently so move on and stop being angry about it.

It is amazing how quickly some people pop into our lives and then pop out as fast as they came in. They are placed in our lives for "a reason or a season". I do believe there are higher forces at work looking after us. Having also just lost my dear mother, I could go on and on about my thoughts on that.

Thank you, Dean, for your weekly posts. I don't often post but I always read.

Another great one

jcwp's picture

Hi Dean,
I believe people do come into our lives for a reason. We always need to be aware and be in the moment as positive things can be happening all around us .I like the quote "Thoughts become things" Have fun with Brianna today. My little girl is now 18 years old-Time really flies man. Thanks again and we will see you at the Edge-
John Wakefield

Very excited

Hi Dean. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see her accomplishments! I am sure you would wish her to outdo you. My husband and I are so excited to go to the summit in vegas this month. We just completed our three day course and I dedicated every spare minute to studying all the material. Hooray-I studied every single course including the video cds. Today, I found a house and a tenant to lease option it to. Will make offer tomorrow. I finished my class on saturday and promised myself to start today-monday. I can't wait to see my first transaction come together. Thanks again to you and Mark Hrisco. Bibi

Church on Sunday, Dean on Monday

9thStreet-Christine's picture

Hi Dean,
My first time to post on this site. I have been watching weekly wisdom for a while and really look forward to hearing from you each week. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your beautiful family.
I attended my Boots on the Ground this past week in Baton Rouge,LA and it was terrific. Chad, Ayers, and Nate coached their little hearts out. They were knowledgeable, patient, and willing to share anything they could to help us become successful. A huge THANK YOU to all three of them. Our group worked together beautifully. I can see that some of us in that group were put together for a reason, possibly a season, and maybe a lifetime. God Bless, Christine



Thanks for that reminder - I really needed to hear that today! I am struggling with some life situations right now and your words just hit me between the eyes.

I always come away from your videos feeling refreshed and hopeful. Thank you for what you do.

reason season lifetime

Thank you dean you cant even imagine what your words today have done for my hart. I will get back on that bike tomorrow and will keep going. because I have a goal and that is where I will keep my hart in. Life gives you lessons and sometimes they are hard to understand but with time I have confidence that I will figure it all out, meanwhile I need to focus and your words have helped me do that. Thank You. PS. your little girl is adorable, I'm sure she will learn allot from her father.


Dean, you are so young and you have so much sensitivity and wisdom. I love your speech on people come into our lives for a reason, season and for a lifetime. I was almost in tears when you said that Brianna (beautiful daughter!) cut her hair to donate for a good cause. Dean, you are a real person! Sarah Gruberg


Carol Stinson's picture

Brianna is getting so big, she looks like a little lady Smiling

Great wisdom once again Smiling

Unforeseen Occurrences Happen to ALL of Us

keepmylifesimple's picture

Hey Dean!! It's Patty here from Inwood, WV on the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. (not too far from the Metro DC/Maryland/Virginia area)

I'm sorry I haven't been on the site much lately.
I haven't been feeling well for a while. Sad

So, this evening, when I started feeling better, I decided--(GOOD CHOICE) Smiling --to check my email. I was really motivated to listen to the Weekly Wisdom this week.

Brianna is SO cute!! I'm not trying to brag, but she reminds me so much of pictures of me at that age--but my hair was more of a light brown.

My precious daughter just turned 17. Time really does fly by. Kids are so precious to watch at any age--but I especially enjoy and think the time when they are an infant to about age 5 is SO WONDERFUL!!

But, even in the difficult teen years, it is STILL a JOY to see her grow in so many ways.
It's just sad to see her becoming so independent--but that is part of our job too. Sad

The points you brought out remind me of how many people (I meet in the Worldwide Volunteer Bible Educational work, as well as many on this site)--feel that life is predestined.

Since I was a young child looking up into the sky and saying to myself, "Why did God abandon us?"--that began my long life story of how I WOULD FIND OUT the answers to those questions and many more!! Smiling

Since about 1976, I began studying the Bible, when I was 14.
In 1978, when I was 15 and almost 16, I got baptized and became one of Jehovah's Witnesses and have been now for almost 34 years!!

I have found and learned SATISFYING ANSWERS to ALL of the kind of questions people have like,
"Why does God permit so much suffering?"
"Why did God 'TAKE' my child?"........

I will just touch on the belief many people have that:
"Everything or everyone happens for a reason."

I have learned that we were created by a Unfathomably Loving Heavenly Father who created the first human pair with no defect. He gave them free will. They were not robots and could make their own choices.

However, sadly, the first human couple made a VERY BAD CHOICE and chose to be independent from God and choose for THEMSELVES what THEY thought was good and bad. Sad

That bad choice led to their becoming imperfect.
And just like Brianna probably knows, once the cookie cutter gets a dent--(like the dent of imperfection caused from Adam and Eve)--every cookie (or all of their offspring) will come out with the SAME dent!

So, since the time of Adam and Eve--God has PERMITTED human rule to show that the challenges made about Him are FALSE--and He will SOON VINDICATE His own Sovereignty when He RESUMES FULL CONTROL of this Earth and shows that He is the RIGHTFUL RULER over the Earth. He is our Maker and the Former of the Earth. (Isaiah 45:18)

We NEED Him as our PERMANENT RULER--He is the ONLY ONE who can RID the Earth of all it's problems and take control of it and keep it from being ruined completely or destroyed.

We were not created to rule ourselves or live independently from our Creator.

He wants to be part of our lives and He will SOON take ACTION to show that He DOES CARE and WILL SOON ACT to REVERSE ALL of the terrible consequences that have come from our first parents. He is PATIENT and allowing TIME for people to turn around and turn to learning about Him and what the Bible REALLY Teaches!

So, now mankind is now about 6,000 YEARS from perfection!!

I have learned that at Ecclesiastes 9:11 it brings out that "time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all."

So, it is NOT God's WILL that someone DIE in a car accident or that He TOTALLY controls our lives and destiny!

Sometimes people ARE in the WRONG place at the WRONG time--but it was not planned that some tragedy occur!

In Bible times and even at times in OUR day, God has maneuvered matters when it involved the sanctification of His PERSONAL NAME--JEHOVAH--(Psalms 83:18)
or questions raised about His Sovereignty.

For some reason, Jehovah God ALLOWED Steven to be stoned to death in the Bible. God DID NOT CAUSE it but allowed and helped Steven though it to his death.
From Steven's stirring speech he gave and what happened--others made the CHOICE to serve Jehovah God.

On the other hand, on another occasion when ones were imprisoned for preaching about Jesus and God's Government--they were miraculously RELEASED from prison by an earthquake!! From that event, the jailer was so amazed-even he became a Christian from that experience!! In addition, they were again free to preach the good news.

Ok, so back to "Reason, Season and Lifetime".
Today, even though we are all imperfect from the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve--we too STILL ARE FREE MORAL AGENTS and can make CHOICES--GOOD or BAD.

WE can decide who we marry, who we choose as friends and also which family members we remain close to.

It's A LOT about CHOICES!

Sometimes, the SERIOUS CHOICES we make can be the WRONG choice--but with Jehovah God's help, He CAN and WILL help us to live up to any serious vows we have made.

I think it is wonderful how Dean brought it out about finding out WHAT WE can offer others the MOST and also what THEY can offer us.

I have found the greatest joy in life for EVERYONE is sharing with others the same things that I learned about a FANTASTIC TIME to look forward to when the Earth will be cleaned up and transformed into a GLOBAL paradise and life will be as God originally intended it to be and to help people find the answers to questions they have always wondered that have been and still are right there in the Bible.

So, I guess what I am trying to share that I have learned can also be understood by the same analogy that I know Dean uses (about INSTEAD of
relying on the FALSE "god of Good Luck" as the Bible says at Isaiah 65:11:),

 “But YOU men are those leaving Jehovah, those forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Destiny"


Thanks for letting me share!
Can you tell I am feeling better? Smiling heehee
P.S.: I have some goodies I want to send you Dean for you and your family. I will send it to the address on the website with your ATTENTION on it. Keep on the lookout for the package and let me know by a personal message if I should mail it to another address and also send me a PM on this site or Facebook to let me know you got it!

Miss you Dean!!
Even though my husband doesn't have the enthusiasm I wish he did about REI like you do, I am not giving up in trying to see if he might have a spark.

I just signed up for the live event in Chambersburg, PA!! Hope he comes with me!! Smiling

Warm Thoughts and Thanks to You and Everyone Here who CHOOSES to give ENCOURAGEMENT!! Smiling

Thanks Dean!!!

It is beautiful to see you with your daughter. She is lovely and you are surely a proud father. Your message is so clear and appropriate.
Thanks again,
Wasilla AK
Chase your dream!!!!

Todays Blog

I am the kind of person that always does for others. But being as smart as I think I really am I forgot that sometimes I too need to be on the receiving end of the stick. I think for sure that it would be truly beneficial to take advantage of other peoplrs experience. Like you always say--like minds---you know. Well, I thought I would just post as I am trying to get into the practice of changing my thinking and my actions. By doing this I am taking part and it is important to change my old way of thinking. You know I had doubts about all of this stuff so I have spent a lot of time researching and studying. All of a sudden I have become less skeptical and can see the possibilities. I am in California, in the East Bay Area. Sure, this is a tougher market and I may have to work a little harder to get results. But guess what? I am willing. I have purchased the credit program from Philip Tyrone as I have realized that purchasing property is something that I can plan for in my future. So I am preparing myself now..Thanks for your real Sincerity Dean. It truly is one of the most important factors for me as I have partaken in this endeavour. Thanks again, Donnie Johnson

Hi Dean!

Rick888's picture

Thank You for another great blog. I have always had the problem of trying to do everything by myself. I have had the experience of other people letting me down and not pulling their own weight, so I usually end up doing or redoing whatever it was I trusted someone else to do. (The old - If you want something done right.... mentality)
I know that I have to break out of that mind-set and get my power team built. I have to trust that others will do their part and to stop trying to do everything by myself (which I usually end up not getting hardly anything done at all because of focusing on every little detail).
I know what needs to be done - now I just have to do it.
Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement. Best wishes to you and your family.


Love it!

Thank you Dean.
And, your daughter is beautiful!

Thank you for being such a beaiutful example of a Loving Father

DebraAnn's picture

Today you spoke about how children haven't been beaten up yet, that they can bounce back. I am so grateful to you for how when you are out of town for a long period of time you bring your kids to work with you. You will never realize how important that quality time is to their growth and positive development into adult hood.

Thank you Dean for bringing your children on your weekly bogs whenever you are out of town for a long time and sharing that with your students. Not only are you making some very powerful investments of your time into your children lives but Thank You as are an example showing other fathers how to make the same positive investments in the lives of their children.

That is the most lucrative place a parent can invest their quality time that will bring many valuable assets to to the parent and the life of a child.

I am so glad you bring your children on to your weekly wisdom. As Dean it is so important that your children and wife know they are first in your life, even before real estate or us. That is so vital not only showing them what is most important in this life is family but also a Father's LOVE.

Dean when you let your children know how much more important your kids and your family are to you, than your business or even us your students you are raising children who know they are loved by you their father. It is that love they feel from you is the biggest tool to develop a strong and positive self worth in them and in their fucture.

Dean Thank You for being a positive and beautiful picture of a father making time for his kids when he is a really busy man who may not have a lot of time to spend with them. Quality time is all a child needs to know they are really LOVED by you. Even making time for your children when there is not much time. Most children who have a Father's Love and a Strong Mothers love do not usually end up in a correction facility. Like where I volunteer.

I see the pain of children who's parents love them and show that love by being a good provider. When being a good provider means the parent is working 24/7 the child feels rejected because the parent is never home. Quality time could be as simple as taking a child out for ice cream once a week. McDonald's and let them pay for 20-30 minutes. Or just playing games with them.

I volunteer with a local Juvenile Hall and many of the kids I work with are from homes where the fathers are absent or fathers who are too busy making money to spend time with the kids. It doesn't need to be hours at a time it only needs to be quality time one on one with just them. Once in a while I do have kids from wonderful families and parents in the correction facilities however what I have seen is rear.

Not only is it important to have a earthly Father's Love for a positive self worth to develop in a child's heart towards themselves. But through a father's LOVE they learn

1.) how to love their children with quality time when you become a grandparent, from your example as a father to them. As children are what they learn from us. What are we teaching them through our examples?

2.)Through a Father's LOVE a child can even learns and develops to LOVE trust God.

The ability to trust in a Higher Power to me is God, is one of the most powerful tools we can give to our children or have ourselves to help us to get to the other side of some very negative situations.

I am sorry this is so long but whenever I have a chance to let a Father know how important they are to the growth and positive development of their child. I just have to share that message with father's whenever I can.

As when the children of my community become one of my kids in a correction facility. I get the privilege to love those kids and show them how much their parents love them as well, as their parents are out there trying to make a good life for that child by working more hours than they even want to, just so they will have everything that child needs.

Some kids understand and others children don't. At that point all I can do is to pray that God will open the eyes of that child with a broken heart as the dont understand the realities of life. If you want to provide for your family you need to work hard and long hours.

A 20-30 minute ice cream, pie or dinner date with just the child where every moment of that time is focused on the child is worth so much more to a child than a parent who is around 24/7 without one on one quality time, because that quality time shows them that they really are special to you and worth your time to make that date with them.

Thank you again Dean for every time you bring your children on your weekly wisdom. As in doing that you are a beautiful picture and example of a Loving Father's Quality time with your kids to other extremely busy father or even mothers.

Dean I thank God for you as a mentor to me and others on so many levels not only in real estate. That is only a tool God gave you to get the attention of those God has put into your hands to change the lives of so many people in the dgfamily.

Thank you!

bonitaj777's picture

Thanks Dean! -Once Again! I am hoping that I am in the position to get one of these great deals! Soon -I hope.
"Success-Is Going from Failure to Failure w/o loosing Enthusiasm!" How Profound! And for the People in my life; I have had a lot of 'Temps' who impacted my life and left. I figured the lesson was taught and on they went. Thank you Dean for encapsulating where I am in my life at the Present moment! Your timing is impeccable and the "Wisdom" becomes an understatement. What's the name of the poem?

Hey did you like the song?-?


bonitaj777's picture

Brianna is Beautiful! How awesome! -Tthat she helped add beauty for another person by gifting her hair! Awesome job Brianna(sp)!!

It is so important to

No Boundaries's picture

It is so important to reconized those people who are there for a Reason,season and Lifetime. b/c often time we spend our time and energy worry and mourning over someone who was suppose to be in your life only for that season. I pray for the spirit of Intuition.

I like that way of

I like that way of thinking.Reason,season,or a lifetime.I have trying my best to get my first house.I found one real close to my house.The problem I am having is getting the money to get it.I called my Mortgage company up to see if I could get a personal load.But they turned me down because one of my scores of my credit is only 630.So I have know idea what else to do.Could you give me some advice of what to do next.Thank-you for listening to me.

Great one!

Angiec's picture

Hi Dean,

What a wonderful message; it really makes me think! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Warm regards,

P.S. Your daughter is so beautiful, not just for her looks but for the gift she has given.

Hey what up just got your

McNeal92's picture

Hey what up just got your book and I a fired up to read it cover to cove... Ooh yeah I got my ticks to the gun show!...

You are so right Dean

It is also important to examine the reason and if it has no intentions of pushing your agenda, then leave the reason alone.



Your precious little girl is just lovely.
Thank you for a good outlook on how to look
at relationships that we may no longer need.

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