Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdon #168 - Identify Your Reason, Season & Lifetime People

A recent trip inspired this Weekly Wisdom episode. Dean encourages you to take time to be intentional, even thankful for everyone in your life.

Now if you're thinking, "Dean, you want me to be thankful for the jerk that cut me off on the freeway?!" ..don't miss the point.

There's a poem that suggests people come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime and you fill the same role for others as well.

As you watch this video, think about your family, friends, colleagues, real estate agents and other business or personal acquaintances. Ask yourself,
“What am I best equipped to help this person with?...What are they best equipped to help me with?” You'll walk away with a renewed perspective
of your place in the world and theirs. Enjoy!

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Jan Malek's picture

She has grown sooo much! What a beautiful daughter you have.

On Another Note: What is up with those arms Dude? Are you lifting heavy weights or what? Always glad to hear you speak. It always helps, see you soon...Jan

Your daughter is so

browleyteam's picture

Your daughter is so Beautiful Dean, glad she was able to spend some Daddy time with you today.

I think it's a great reminder that we should make sure not to give more time to a seasonal contact than our LIFETIME Contacts!! I am blessed to feel like I'm pretty good in this area of my life - though I know we all should evaluate this from time to time.

I am keeping my child-like enthusiasm about our RE Business and look forward to the day that we can meet you personally to THANK YOU Dean!

Until then,

Thank you Dean

femailceo's picture

What a cute daughter! This was a great message again as usual. Sometimes even people that we don't even meet, but cross our paths may be there for a reason. To cheer us up, or maybe they were put into our care to keep safe as they run out in front of us while driving. We have a responsibility to keep others safe even when they may be at fault or careless. People are our treasures for sure and close friends even more so.

Thanks Dean! :)

Zion Properties's picture

Brianna is so cute! Smiling She looks so mature with her shorter hair. My daughter did the same with her hair (twice now) in donating to locks of love, I did it with her as well.

Thanks for the messages, always value them; they keep me going, especially when the negativity gets too much! Like you reminded us, there are things and people in our life for a reason, a season and a lifetime and some of them are there for a lifetime but should have only been for a reason or a season. Thanks Dean!

Hey, and I noticed the same thing as Jan. The working out is showing. Smiling

sooooo cute

jholden's picture

Honestly, I have to watch this a few times to actually hear all that you're sharing Dean because.... Your daughter is so adorable!!! I can't keep my eyes off of her precious face and expressions. So cute! And so great to see a dad and daughter together. I wonder what she's thinking about Smiling I love it! Now excuse me, I've gotta get back up and on my bicycle again....

she's gonna be a heartbreaker!

bamagirl6730's picture

Thanks Dean for doing another great blog!

Alot that you said resonated with me this week. Getting back to that childlike enthusiasm, fearlessness, limitless, persistance, and mainly the un-tarnishment of childhood (pre-world tanted - lol). Having that unwavering belief that you can do anything! That same power that will drive a little boy to jump from ahigh thinking he can fly ALL because he SAW it done and he sees the blanket hung from his back as a cape and he has super powers! lol WE NEED THAT BACK IN OUR LIVES TODAY! We need to fly again!

And wow, the reason, season and lifetime. How that rings true! I have come to firmly believe the Lord brings people in to our lives to bless us and removes them to protect us.
I think as we each grow we are also better able to identify in which category someone or something will fall. Some people we will simply outgrow. Some will always stretch us, empower us. Some are to strengthen our character and develop patience!(LOL)! As you've stated before "sometimes you have to break something to have a breakthrough" To me included relationships/friendships. In the same way as 'if you're not growing you're dying,' or 'if you're not climbing you're sliding' same goes for people if they aren't helping (meaning healthy relationships), they are hindering. Must protect our minds, protect our time!

"To Infinity and Beyond!" (LOL)

btw: yep arms looken good! you've put on some mass!
good intimidation factor for the boys you're going to have to beat away from Brianna! She's captivating!

So incredibly TRUE!

Really, I have to be forever grateful to the gentleman who pointed me in your direction. (I wasn't watching a lot of Late night TV at the time, so I had never heard of you.) But he was most definitely somebody who was put on my path for a Reason.


dreamitdoit's picture

Thanks Dean,
I woke up early this morning and spent a little time with my CREATOR.Logged on to DG.COM and saw you & your beautiful daughter.This is a beautiful sign and I receive it with the most of thanks.She is so precious.Thank you Dean for sharing your daughter,your time,your experiences with all of us.I always look forward to the WEEKLY WISDOM.No matter how many times I may fall off of my bicycle,I will get up & peddle again.Thanks to GOD for placing you in my life.
May GOD continue to Bless you & your beautiful family.
Corpus Christi,Texas,USA

PS-JESUS said Verily I say unto you,Except ye be converted,and become as little children,ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.-Matthew 18:3-4-KJV

hey Dean

jahaira27's picture

Thank you Dean you always hit it on the muscle!! last week I said to my self I had enough with the neg. people in my life. I hope to do more this year. Your princess is beautiful!!

Thanks Dean

and Brianna for the nice wake-up this morning. It was a great message to receieve. From both of you! Its great to see the same giving spirit in your daughter, Dean, that you have. Its so awesome that she'd want to donate her hair to Locks of Love.
I heard another quote that is similar to Reason, Season, Lifetime....
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. ~Flavia Weedn"

Dean, you are one of the ones who's left a footprint on my heart. Thank you.


people in your life

Whether a reason, a season, a lifetime - they're all good. Learn to recognize each for their worth and the worth they give you.

Thanks for the continued education and words of wisdom Dean!

Thanks for sharing Brianna

bahney's picture

Thanks for sharing Brianna with us. She's adorable! Yes, we need to think childlike and to treasure all the friendships we come across in life. They all add something and can help us discover more who we are and can be. It gives us strength to move forward. It's great that there are so many friendships that have developed here. It helps us all. Thank you.

Knocked down..

John Trivett's picture

Growing up working with my father everyday taught me the valuable lesson of never giving up no matter the situation. If you mess something up, learn from it and move on.. Fall off you bike, jump back on and role, These are the little lessons that build character, confidence and help one grow into a responsible, honest, hard working individual that people can count on..

Thanks for the post this morning.. It mainly makes me realize how fortunate I was to have my pops on my a$$ everyday to never give up and make the right choices...

As far as getting the negatives out, I have taken your advice over the past year and truly has helped me on a personal and business level.. Its tuff to let people go but when you look back, its easy to understand the reason you let them go....


yedinak's picture

Great job Dean,

Reminds me of the book by Jim Rohn's The Season Of Life.
Your right that everyone is in your life now for a reason and it's as you describe, for a reason season or life time and only time will tell.
My wife who is incredible (as a teacher)just this weekend talked about learning this business with me as I've wanted that but had to let her come to terms with it. I know she'll be in my life for a life time but now it's even better if we are able to work together.
I think it's great that you can spend time with Brianna and that she inherits the giving philosophy.

Smiling Smiling Smiling
Keep up the great work and look forward to all the information.

about these properties...

D-HI's picture

Implementation of a bank that will finance these props for us with as little out of our pocket as possible is a MUST. ( for those of us that don't have cash) 3% down plus closing cost at most down, on a Commercial mortgage, under our LLC (if we have one)

This way we can ALL get in the game!

thanks Dean

Valuni's picture

I'm always looking forward to your weekly wisdom blog; it helps me get some perspective for the week.
Reason, Season or Lifetime-wow-what a concept-so powerful, and so true! From now on, I will definitely be more aware of the relationships I build with the people that I encounter every day; cherish those that I have been so fortunate to be friends with for a long time, and not feel guilty for those that are not lifetime relationships.

Your daughter is such a cutie! and it is so great that you make time to spend with her-they grow up so fast!

Again, many, many, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, and helping us become the best that we can be.


How true!

This Weekly Wisdom really hit home, I guess we have all let relationships that should have lasted a lifetime drift away due to getting too 'busy' with other things. Sometimes we don't realize until it is too late to go back how precious those relationships were.

I had never heard the "Reason, Season or Lifetime" phrase before, but how true it is. I shall be much more aware of my relationships on all levels in the future and guard the Lifetime ones with everything I can, as the treasures they truly are should be guarded and nurtured.

Your daughter's donation of her hair served as a tremendous reminder about how as children we all sort of just 'knew' what was the right thing to do and that helping others however we could was always a good thing. I shall work at remembering the enthusiasm and unrestricted optimism we all had as children and apply this in my life immediately to blast some things that have been holding me back due to past failures/mistakes out of my way!

Thanks for the reminders, Dean!

Children are all Precious

You are both so blessed to have each other, close relationships are to be cherished, great blog.

God bless,
Nathan and Sandy

Dean...precious little girl :)

angelala's picture

You are so right about peple being there for a reason, a season, or a lifetime Smiling
and ...opportunities, for a reason, season, or a lifetime...still havn't done a deal, but I am committed for a lifetime. Smiling
And thanks so much for the properties you are offering here, no $ to invest now, but maybe later I can take advantage of these package Great cash flow deals.
Have a beautiful day, God Bless.


I don't know where to start.Everything you share in this WEEKLY WISDOM,you covered alot.Hey DEAN keep doing what you doing.Some people don"t know how much we can learn from our kids.Enjoy every min with your kids,because you cann't turn back the hands of time.DEAN,thanks for keeping me focus and on my tose and the DG family,cann't wait til next week.HAVE A GREAT WEEK ENJOY!!!!


Martin2011's picture

Dean, This really hit home,needed to hear the whole message. Made an impact on me this morning.God bless you and your family.Thank-you

Your Daughter is a Sweetheart

jokitty92's picture

Dean another great video to keep us thinking. Your daughter is such a seetheart! Such beautiful blue eyes!

Your daughter is SO CUTE!!

OMG Dean your daughter is adorable. I always look forward to these weekly wisdom because you always hit it on the head for me personally. I thank you for your insight and for giving us you.

Identify your reason &lifetimepeople

Thanks very much for this blog as my children don't think i can do real estate and they are life time, I just got a good friend who really seam like a good person but now he is goan,And there are those who think i can do it but i am scared to ask for help fearing i loose them too. I am encouraged thank you.

You are a true role model!

Thank you for sharing your heart and sole! Thank you for making the decision your sister didn't want you to! I know you entered my life for a reason, and I plan to make it much more than a season! You and Stephen have made a forever lasting impression and change in my family! You are truly an inspiration to so many people! Waking up to you, on my TV at 3 in the morning was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. Thank you for reminding me what the true purpose of life is about! Thank you for changing my life instantly! Joel has nothing on you! I will charish my reason, season and lifetime friends!
PS The video shows you are a wonderful father and your daughter is so very precious! Mesa, AZ

Whoaaa!!!!!!!!!!! You are an Angel Dean and a good friend.

Times with Daddy are so special. Lovely to see you and Brianna together - just precious. You know children are really big people in little bodies just growing, changing and refining themselves.
This weekly wisdom is chock full of wisdom and insight and it brings much Glory to the ONE Most High God. He did ordain all our days for us and has a plan for each of us. I do believe with all my heart in divine intervention. HE does bring some people into our lives strategicly and also removes some. I have experience with this daily in my life. Dean, you did not come into my life by accident. Oh no you did not. God knows that not only did I need you but also a whole lot of other people needed you too. All GLORY be to God!
Recently I had to send a reply to an e-mail I received to decline an invitation. Then the next day when I visited this web site I was able to respond to a young 20 year old and take advantage of an offer that will allow me to go to the event I had been invited too. Suddenly I was presented with a situation where I had to make a quick decision and act on FAITH like never before.
Last week you talked about looking forward - not back. That message was not by accident either. I believe it is all part of the plan. By the will of God I will see you soon.
When we are young I think one of the greatest lessons we can learn is that it is ok to try something and fail and at the same time be encouraged to try again (nurture and guide)as often as we need to until we get it right and can go beyond to excellence. I am learning this late and I think that may be what has kept me so frozen in place because God knows I want to be better than good. I will succeed.
Abide in Christ Jesus!

Sense of Peace

mindopnr's picture

I think the reason for the feeling of a calm, and peace in Utah could be from the influence of the Mormons. I'm not a religeous guy but when I'm around some of my friends who are Mormons they give that vibration. Didn't mean to go all spiritual on you, just a thought. I look foward to attending your seminar Thursday in Savannah.

So True

joeyharp_2001's picture

This really rings home with people I'm evaluating in my life right now. I've been pretty good about not surrounding myself - or sharing my activities - with people who are negative. OF COURSE this includes this real estate adventure I'm on. The Ideas of Season's or a Lifetime is new and so well put. This has me now going back and looking at some folks that I almost feel obligated to keep in my life, but probably should not be. This weekly wisdom is really insightful to me!

the reason for the season

What you are telling us is completely true. You can't have to many good friends, short term or long term, they all mean something. I heard you say you were in Sandy, Utah. I live in Sandy, and I will be attending the seminar. I hope it's you that will be up on the stage. I listen to all of the "weekly wisdom" videos. I haven't been much of one to post on the web site, but I read a lot of what the other people have to say. It would be great to be able to meet you one day. Thanks for all your hard work!


HomeRoots's picture

Reason, season, or a lifetime. I like that!


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