new to investing

Hello everyone I just signed up to this group. I have somewhat bad credit it on its way back up. So with my credit not letting me get loans is there anyone here that can mentor me and help me get going in the right direction. I was going to try and join the academy but medical issues stopped me so the guy on the phone told me I would be disqualified if I didn't join right there and then. So I didn't join. So if there is anyone willing to steer me in the right direction I would sure appreciate the help. Thank you

how to get started

what you need to do is look in to seller financing.i say this becuase am in the same boat as you but i have a deal am working on

how to get started

I am currently renovating my own home and im going to move in with my girlfriend I have my house rented so im ok there but is it possible for you to help me with the paperwork if I find an owner financing deal. I want to either rent out an ownwer financing or sell it. On an owner financing deal would you renovat it for higher resale.

Thank you for you response

Butterfly's in my stomach

This is my first time to investing and it is a hard filling to step out of the box needing some serious mentoring to get this started.looking forward to my workshop this weekend.GOD BLESS to all that has made it to that break thru. Thank you.