Next Meeting: TUES, November 10 - 8:00pm

Hey All Middle TN Members!

Next Meeting:
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 - 8:00pm-9:00pm

GOALS TO BRING TO MEETING: Yes, we're getting aggressive here, but as Anndra and I met last week, we decided on the following for ourselves & encourage everyone to:

--Add 5 fully qualified buyers to your buyers list and bring them to add our collective list. Send all details on qualified buyer to Anndra prior to the meeting. Buyers that are not fully qualified per our previous meeting's qualifications will not count as official buyers.
--Lock a deal or deal(s) up this week to bring to our meeting Nov. 10

FOCUS: Our deals. Our buyers. How to support each other and sync these up. We'll be looking at signing an agreement between one another to split profits from bringing deals and using one another's buyers.

We welcome newcomers! Just come and "sit in" and learn some and/or contribute some...we would be glad to have you! We are a small group that is just starting out, but also taking action!

Portland Brew - East
We'll be at a table UPSTAIRS!
1921 Eastland Ave
Nashville, TN 37206
(615) 262-9088

Free Wi-Fi
I'll have my purple laptop again in case we have any new members joining us...look for the purple!

If you are new, let me know if you're coming so we'll look out for you.


See you all tomorrow night, Tues at 8pm at Portland Brew!

louisajhc's picture

I have been working hard this week....just at the regular J.O.B. and I feel like I'm going to fall over trying to fit real estate into the mix!! But good news, I locked up one property! YAY! Gotta keep it going! Putting together my specs and post for my buyers today.

Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, Tuesday night, and hope the new time will bring a few visitors as well.

See you then!

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