Well, I've done it. Another investment property to my portfolio. This one was a little more difficult because of some obstacles but definitely worth the stress. It's a two three bedroom building in Middletown NY. Had one vacancy but it will now be a mother/daughter situation in the two apartments. It's going great so far.
Hello, my name is Ed Collins and I am relatively new to realestate. Relatively new but not just a dreamer. I bought my first investment just over five months ago and will close on my second in a couple weeks I would like to form a loosely knit group of like minded individuals of all levels of realestate investment. I believe there are many issues that can be made better understood by a club of individuals with varrying degrees of experience with the many facets of acquiring and owning realestate. Prices, opportunities, financing, credit score, taxes, home improvements, leases, attornies, realtors, local governments, trends, forclosures, contractors, accountants, etc., etc., etc. There's a lot to think about and discuss. I welcome investors and future investors of all levels. There's a big pie here in Orange County and I'd like all of us to get a piece.
Orange County NY REI Club
December 3rd, 2010 | posted by laker25