There has to be more of us in NC than I've seen so far!!!

Really want to ramp up my local networking with other North Carolinians who follow DG and are REIs at any point in their journey. Let's make our presence known in this big state of opportunity!!

Want to connect

I'm a new investor and looking forward to connecting with other investors in the Mecklenburg & Cabarrus County areas.

How are you?

KenyaH's picture

I live in Hendersonville, North Carolina. I am really enjoying this site. I've only been on it for about a month. I belive eventually we will find some people in both our areas to network with, learn with and make money with....don't give up!!!

im in charlotte

im just gettin started in charlotte maybe we can help me

Mecklenburg & Cabarrus county areas

I have just started here in Mech co. I have been here about 2 yrs now and want to connect with like minded investers. Are there any good investment clubs here? Look forward to talking with you.

NC investors

Hi! NC dwellers! Live near southern NC border and know there have got to be good deals in the CHLT-Mecklenberg area. Am just starting out and plan to join the Metrolina REIA group that meets in CHLT. Maybe see U there!


I am just starting out as well and would love to network with others in the Charlotte area. Do you know where there is a Metrolina REI group in Charlotte that meets? When and where?


i can help

i know 2 rei clubs in me


I am in the Charlotte area. I have a few buyers but need more. Hope we can all work together. DG is great.

Hi JonB...

Success-Is-Certain's picture

Glad to hear from you...I hope we bump into each other at a REI meeting somewhere...

I'm still in the networking phase and setting up an IRA account that I can use to invest with. I'm also working with a local REI guy that owns over 70 properties in the Fayetteville area. He's coaching me to get through my first few deals. Best of luck to you... As far as increasing your buyers list, did you see the great blurb on here about going to the HUD statistics page and making a list of the properties there then going back a few weeks later (after these houses have closed) to get the name of the buyer (usually an investor) I'm building my list that way.

Keep in touch!
Suzi Prime

i can use your help

hi my names chris and im startin to invest in charlotte maybe u can giv me some words of wisdom
my email is


Are you in the Fayetteville area. If so can you point me in the right direction for local hard money lenders. Message me.

im in charlotte also!

New from Florida

Keeping in touch with other investors worked very well in Boca Raton Fla. please keep me in mind I'm a new DG student, I bring lots of energy and willing to learn!!! EJB

Hey Tarheelers

Hello Fellow DG'rs

I'm in the Raleigh area. Not much luck finding investors that do assignments. Just have to go to other deal options.

I went to "****" to find a list of investors who do business in NC. Some are fellow newbies like us. You can call them or e-mail them. They are usually very receptive to questions from new investors, and if they are serious buyers they will e-mail you specs on properties they are looking for.

It is a good idea to go to "" and get some business cards made. You only pay $5.99 S&H. You can scan and e-mail them, or direct mail to listed investors with a brief letter introducing yourself and offering to work on deals in this area with them.

Don't forget to speak and meet with real estate brokers. There is a great amount of brokers who specialize in investing in this area. I am meeting with somebody after the holidays. A couple have heard of the success of DG students and were asking alot more questions, and not alot of that "it won't work" stuff.

Good luck everyone, and happy holidays Smiling


kpinvestments's picture

Hey fellow NC investors.... we're (my wife and I)are new to the real estate scene and are extremely excited to get started. Just ordered Dean's books and we're reading at super-fast speeds!!! Really interested in reassignments, checked a couple of daily papers and did not find any classified ads with real estate investors. Definitely not giving up, ambition is our middle name and we are READY! Eager to meet fellow DG students and keep in contact on this road to the top.

Good Luck everyone, happy reading...

Mr & Mrs Frink

Welcome you two : )

Success-Is-Certain's picture

Where in NC are you guys at? Glad to hear of more DGers in our area. You know what they say, strength in numbers!!


kpinvestments's picture

We didn't even realize that you responded to our post, thank you so much. We're located in Charlotte and we are working diligently to build our buyers list now and then begin advertising. We've read the book "profit from RE now" but of course we're still going over the info again to ensure we know what we're talking about. How has your success been so far using Deans strategies in NC? Where are you located? How do you feel about the clubs Charlotte has to offer and are they worth the membership fees? We're also researching all the free advertisement we can so that once we find a good amount of investors, we can get right to work. We're really excited!!! The anxiety is killing us. If you have any questions or advice, please don't hesistate to dm us or just reply please. Let's get aquainted!!! Good to speak with someone in this area.
One last thing.... Craigslist is filled with rent to own ads and offers. It almost appears to be flooded. Any thoughts on that?
Let us stop typing now, we can chat all night lol.
Have a good morning and enjoy your day.

The Frinks!!!


Success-Is-Certain's picture

Thanks for your reply : )

I'm out of Fayetteville and from what I've found since I moved here last August, there is definitely an abundance of great deals just waiting to be had here. One reason is the close proximity to Fort Bragg and from what I hear there will be tens of thousands of people coming to this immediate area for military reasons during the next 18 months. I worked with a local investor during the fall to get more familiarized with this area and am going to get on the board of Fayetteville's local REI group this month.

Take Care!!

P.S. I haven't utilized CL much yet due to the very fact you mention, but a tip I will pass on for growing your Buyer's List is to look in your local newspaper (better yet go to the online classifieds for that same paper) and contact the people that have ads for houses for rent. Many of these people are investors and are very interested in getting on a buyer's list and some are also interested in selling the properties they do have and will talk to you on that end. I've had great luck with that strategy! Good Luck!


A.Harris's picture


Good Morning Greensboro!

Success-Is-Certain's picture

I'm actually located down near Fayetteville but I am a member of the Raleigh Real Estate Investors Association and that's a GREAT place for you to connect with an active bunch of investors in your area. They frequesntly hold trainings and are always giving tips and strategies for getting started in REI. There's also a weekend-long conference being held in Charlotte at the end of this month called Investor Palooza and it will be jam packed with everything the new and seasoned investor could need to find success. They're even giving away a and clear to one lucky investor. If you want more info about that go to and see for yourself. I've signed up and hope to see you there!

Take Care and remember take action every day!

New Guy

Hello everyone, my name is Kent and I just joined this REI Club. I live in Siler City, but own and rent a property in Greensboro. I am very interested in getting into one of these RE Investor meetings everyone is talking about. If anyone can help my out plese send me a PM and give more information especially the cost to join. I can travel to raliegh, greensboro, and even fayetteville areas with no problem. Please help thanks Kent.

Wilmington AKA Beach Land

Hi all. I'm new to the whole investing thing and i just want to network with people in and around my area.

Welcome twright!

Success-Is-Certain's picture

Are you located in/near Wilmington?

I'm near Fayetteville. If you haven't already, I would suggest going and getting involved with your local REI group. I know Wilmington has a great one (because my current REI coach/mentor used to be the president of it) That's one of the best ways to network in your immediate area, get training, tips, contacts and find out about deals in your backyard. Good Luck and keep in touch!

I'm actually in Wilmington.

I'm actually in Wilmington. How would I got about getting contact info for the REI group here, if you could assist it would really help. Thanks

Here you go...

Success-Is-Certain's picture

All I did was google Real Estate Investing Groups in Wilmington, NC and I came up with this website.

You should be able to go on there and get any info you need to find out how to attend an upcoming meeting, get a free newsletter, etc.

Good luck!

rei groups in FAY

Are there any good groups in or near Fayetteville?

new to group............

I'm new to the group. I live near Fayetteville and
I'm interested in networking, especially in this area. I'm interested in wholesaling and would love to find a mentor.

Hi Jill : )

Success-Is-Certain's picture

Welcome top the DG site! I'd love to have you join us at the Fayetteville REIA for our next meeting in March. It's a great way to network and I was just elected VP in January and one of my goals for our group this year is to reach out to new investors. Where are you located exactly? I'd be happy to meet you for coffee some day to talk about your REI goals and what area you're interested in focusing on. Private message me with your email and we can connect from there.

Have a nice weekend (despite the snow-lol)

Mecklenburg / Cabarrus area investors

My daughter & I are trying to get this off the ground and overcome some fear. Would any of you in the Meck & Cabarrus area be interested in meeting at least once as an unofficial "group" just to get to know each other and maybe be able to help each other some? It might be a good way to encourage each other. Please feel free to email me at heartforhomes@****

Looking forward to meeting some of you.


Charlotte, NC/ Fort Mill, SC - Here!!

dizzydrln's picture

Just getting started as well... Read DG's book this weekend - and have spent this entire day getting my thoughts together and figuring out a game plan.

I would love to connect with others in this area. Send me a private message so we can make arrangements. Maybe even several of us can meet at the same time.

I look forward to working with the entire DG family.

Dizzydrln (Lisa)

Good luck to everyone! There is room for everyone at the top!!! See you there. Smiling