This week Dean wraps a powerful lesson about possibilities, around the presenting of the FREE House given away during the Rock Bottom Blue Print release.
In this video you'll see the house Dean gave away and meet John from Trinidad, the lucky guy who won it - simply by watching four educational videos. If you can pick out the primary lesson in this video, post your guess below - and have a great week…
Get Dean's New book "30 DAYS TO REAL ESTATE CASH" now
Congrats John!
Well only in America!! What a great country!! Dreams are possible! if you work hard!
house giveaway
Don't give up. anything is possible. follow your dreams.
Thank you Dean
Good afternoon Dean,
Thank you for your weekly wisdom video's. It is so cool that you gave away a house to your DGfamily. Congratulations John on the home giveaway and welcome to the United States. Dean, I believe the primary lesson is that anything is possible in life if you don't give up and your are persistent, and follow your blue print for financial sucess.
Thank you,
Congratulations on your home John
I just wanted to say your house looks beautiful and what I just learned from watching the videos is that everyone of us have some kind of problems that we have to take care of but all of us can do this we just have to put the time and effort into it and everyone can own a home or many homes like John.
Katie ope I get the chance to either win a home or learn how to get my first from Dean. I am willing and ready to learn, winning my first home would be a xablessing right now I really need a home and
John New Home
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This week Dean wraps a powerful lesson about possibilities, around the presenting of the FREE House given away during the Rock Bottom Blue Print release.
In this video you'll see the house Dean gave away and meet John from Trinidad, the lucky guy who won it - simply by watching four educational videos. If you can pick out the primary lesson in this video, post your guess below - and have a great week…
Get Dean's New book "30 DAYS TO REAL ESTATE CASH" now
Way to Go John, Congrats on new Asset, that feeling, knowing you own another asset, can never be duplicated. GENEROUS - DEAN IS A GENEROUS MAN.......
ohn and that house>
This was truley insperational . Thank you> I will keep pressing forward>
Congratulations John, way to go my friend!
Good stuff indeed from this week's weekly wisdom blog. My take on this one is simple: I've had you're books Dean for almost 3 years now and even though I still haven't been able to capture my first deal under my belt....well guess what?....I'M NOT GIVING UP AND I KNOW YOU'RE NOT GIVING UP ON ME EITHER!!
I've gone through a lot and I mean A LOT over the years, and even though I've been knocked down a few times....I still get back up and I still push forward because I'm learning new things as I go and I'm networking with the right people. It's pretty much thanks to my friend and inspirational DG Superstar, Carol Stinson, that mentioned in her Wholesaling across the nation blog that "networking" is the key to make things happen with REI. And thats exactly what I did and I was able to find an awesome partner and an awesome friend to work with. Thanks again Dean for this message and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you John for winning the free house give-a-way contest, you deserve it and God Bless! Take care Dean and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Congratulations John and thank you Dean for all your work with us.
Dean and John
What I got was familiar; believe in yourself, be persistent, and above all, take action. You can take analysis paralysis to the grave. Begin with small steps. Love the opportunity. Give yourself thoughts like Life is a Game of Manifestation to get more playful and less serious about the process. And then take action. I am working on the thoughts above too.