Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #173 - Scarcity VS. Abundance Part One

What if the solution to you having the success you want in ANY area of your life was as simple as flipping a switch?

Would you flip it? Well, this week Dean shares that it is a switch and shows you what it takes to flip it. This is so powerful he's going to cover it in two parts. Pay close attention to this one...

Check out the properties Dean mentioned ASAP!

once again

great info dean thank you...

Thanks dean

Mathedragon's picture

I really needed to hear that i know i'm on the scarcity side and half of the abundance side i need to keep thinking positive and get in gear.Thank you for the opportunity and knowledge that you always share!

Great Blog!!!!!

"They dont build statues of scarce thinkers.. they do build them of dreamers." That was a powerful, meaningful statement Dean! I am so inspired by these blogs and wish I would have got started a long time ago. Better late than never though.

Thanx, Dean.

Keep the positivity flowing.


dreamitdoit's picture

Thanks Dean,
What a great video.Best 10 minutes I could invest.So meaningful.Thank you for your positive mindset and your vast experience and all you share and do.GOD Bless you and your beautiful family.

Corpus Christi,Texas,USA

Having trouble hearing this one?

Zion Properties's picture

It seems the audio for this one is really, really low, I could barely hear it and had to watch it several times. Did your crew change something with the audio? I'm going to try to watch it on another computer, but I want to hear this message! Smiling

Sounds like Democrats and Republicans

Zion Properties's picture

ok, not really, but there are some parallelisms there. Eye-wink NOT getting into politics, no, no that gets me into trouble! Sticking out tongue

But, this is SO true and eye opening. I wish I could have heard it better, I had to hold my laptop to my ear and I still couldn't hear it too well, but I got the gist of it.

This is something that stops so many because they have to learn how to rethink the scarcity mindset. Having grown up the way I did and having to have had to rely on going to thrift stores and struggle with that scarcity mindset even today; I don't think I should reward myself with something new when I can get it at a thrift store much cheaper. And, I still am working to turn that mindset around. I've had to reprogram my mindset towards the abundance side. Thank you so much for sharing this one! Thanks Dean for another spot on message, and thank you so much for sharing your $25K stuff with us, you give so much and are a great mentor!

Abundance is a big part of action

Hello Dean,
Wonderful weekly wisdom. I am not sure if I have the abundance mindset, but I think that I do because one thing there is never a shortage of is opportunity. My destiny is in the hands of God as he is the author and finisher of my days and a plan for my life. His plans are in abundance, my part in that is take to advantage of what is put before me, learn, pray, take action and let the rest come. I am on a journey..there is always something to learn along the way.

Thank you for sharing the importance of always having a dream in front. This is key... the dream becomes a goal when you put a date on it.

By the way... speaking of dates, on the week before last I promised I would try the 25 to 1 strategy. I got part way there. My boots on the ground training is this week, and they said to come with agents to qualify, then we will make offers. I will complete that accountability this week. I have 8 agents to check out, then decide on the best 2 to work with. I have 3 potential buyers to qualify and look for properties. Thank you for the training. I will keep in touch regarding this 25 to 1 strategy.

Best to you,
Northwest Susan


angelala's picture

I want some of those vitamins you take.
You pump us up every week with your positive attitude and information.
You get to drink more if the glass is half full instead of half empty.
Thanks again.
Blessings Smiling


Keep the great motivating videos coming! It really helps us all get out of the scarcity mindset and think outside the box. Thanks Dean for all your positive You Can Do It Ism`s.
Chris and Rae


bonitaj777's picture

Dean: Thank you! Thank you!! THANK YOU!! Once again!


browleyteam's picture

I'm soooooooo there with you on this Dean!! I'm blessed to say I am already in the Oportunist mindset and glad I am not stuck in a box or even allow others to bring me back in THEIR box!!

This is great stuff Dean!! Keep it coming

Renae & Tyrone

Here is to you Dean

eashmt's picture

Thanks for your input to keep us believing in who we are made to be. A means and a way to help others think positive when we are leaders as you have been to me. Also I am very excited about the event in our home town Kalispell MT. Would love to here from you or your personal grope that is coming. If there is something we can be an insistence.

Where there is a will there is a way, to those who believe.

Thank you for this blog.

Thank you for this blog. This may be why i am stuck on one side of the track..... I come from a family of scarcity thinker. As a single parent it has seem to grow to me im not doing any dreaming. I am thinking like they think, living like they live, nothing more and nothing less. need this so i can get on the abundant side of life. Thanks again for this great wisdom.

scarcity vs. abundance

tkosi949's picture

I now live in abundance.

I'm a Dreamer!!

and still dreaming,your right about being the other side that makes results. but i'm still on the side lines four years later and dreaming it's going to's inside, need to break the egg. push the dream into realisic.see you all at the "Edge"
Enjoy & Until

Thank you Dean

DJJose's picture

Yes, thank you love this, I was thinking if you would send that form like in a PDf file.? to be able to have. 2nd side part too. Please...Smiling

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