Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #294 - Success Secrets #1

You asked and Dean's delivering the Success Secrets he's discovered...

What do Richard Branson, Joel Osteen, Michael Jordan, Tony Robbins, Usher, President Clinton, Mitt Romney and Donald Trump all have in common???

Besides the fact that each of them reached incredible success in a variety of areas, each must share an incredible work ethic, success habits, they overcome failures, criticism, they had blind faith, and so much more...

But Dean being fortunate enough to meet each of them, can say with total certainty that each share the success principle he shares with you in this weeks Weekly Wisdom video.

Watch the video and share your thoughts in the comments below.


kcw6150's picture

Dear Dean, I would have loved to take the quiz but unfortunately I missed it. How would one go about retreaving it?


Hello Dean: Great Weekly Wisdom. Thanks for those weekly wisdoms, sure keeps me on track. Crazy 3 weeks, getting ready to head back west. Fired a Rehabber, Re - organized Power Team....Again. I do not have trouble jumping in and taking that first step, getting things done, making decisions etc... My situation is choosing the wrong people to hang around with...they appear to be "A" Players and I later find out the opposite and I try to work with them toooo Long. I make excuses like well maybe they will change... So with that being said I need to say NO to people that do not have the same mind set as myself and when I find out that out I need to dissociate my self with them on a Business Level and have very limited communications with them on a friendship basis while at the same time STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR THEM AT MY EXPENSE PERIOD!!! OMG I have learned sooo much these past couple of months... by failing forward! Thanks Again Dean / DG FAM MAKE IT AN AWESOME WEEK....


CandC's picture

I will dedicate to follow the next few weeks. And will work on number one, the not to do list. Thanks for working the extremely unsuccessful students Eye-wink and helping me to be successful. LEARNING TO SAY NO, principal. So I can focus on me. Great question dig deep what is causing me not to get in? Then I can say yes, hey I like that.

Just Say NO!

Thank you Dean for the reminder! I am one of those busy "caregivers"! I am always taking care of everyone else instead of concentrating on what is important in my business. I have started saying "NO" in recent months and it does help, but is VERY hard. Keep reminding us of the success principles! I appreciate all of your education and all that YOU do!

Just say no - great!

I'm a newbie on Day 1 of the 30 days to Real Estate Cash book. This week's WW is perfect advice to keep me focused. I'm excited to keep moving forward...Mahalo and Saina Ma'ase!

Hi Dean

Hey Dean, great weekly wisdom always, your right saying no to something can get you on track, just taking that first step is very important.

Thanks again Ray:)

Saying "NO"

Hi Dean

Thank you for keeping reminding us on how important it is to say "NO" for the benefiting of our future and helping others. I have to admitted it has been hard especially when you are just the only one to Goal. Thank you for everything

God Bless,


Success Secrets #1 - Momentum

dmangham's picture

Dean mentioned the word "Momentum". Well that's a very interesting word Smiling

World English Dictionary
momentum (məʊˈmɛntəm)
1. physics See also angular momentum p the product of a body's mass and its velocity
2. the impetus of a body resulting from its motion
3. driving power or strength

Notice #3, "driving power or strength" . This strength is on the inside of us all. Believe it, think it in your mind, take action and then be passionate about it. This way of thinking produces Success. This is what we are all about!

Debbie Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC

The reality of NO

AndyS's picture

Thankfully, I have little I need to say "NO" to as I have a very busy business and everybody already knows NOT to ask much of me. My biggest say "NO" to is to me. I want so much in life that I work very hard for it. The past couple of years have showed me how saying YES to what I do say it to is just creating more work for me. At one point, I was even extremely happy that there were only 24 hours in a day because I would work 23 of them. But then the reality of all that hit home with the losses I suffered in 2013. I missed so much because I was saying YES to the wrong things. Working hard is fine but working smarter is better. Had I spent more of that time working smarter, I would have had the opportunities to be with the people who are no longer alive. Had I said NO to more work, I would have been able to take better care of myself. Had I worked smarter, I could have been happier a whole lot longer than I have been.
Here was the reality of my saying NO: Instead of flying and then rushing home to get back to work, I took the time to drive from FL to the EDGE 2014. I stopped along the way to pick up my travel mate ( DG's Amanda Kandell) and visited sites I have always wanted to go to but never did. Today, I arrived back home from another trip. This one was to Maine where I returned to a fishing camp that I had spent many summers over the years with my family. Now was my turn to bring my daughter and her new husband there to start their own memories. The camp archives were available for us all to look through and my daughter found old records of her grandparents being there as well as pics of me there. They were a great reminder for my daughter of how simple life could be yet very fulfilling. For me, it was how my Dad must have said NO to many things just so that we could go there.
So what's the reality of NO... the ability to later say YES!!!!!! A smart YES! I have a clear head now and a clear direction of where I want to end up. My IE coach has showed me the path, now I need to start walking, err RUNNING down that path. Get what needs to be done sooner so that I can say YES to more things in my life.

Thanks Dean, for the WW. An amazing message of the power of 2 letters: N O

Until next week.....

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE alumni

Thank you Dean

Thank you for all of your help and your two web sites that help us all
who are on here.

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