You asked and Dean's delivering the Success Secrets he's discovered...
What do Richard Branson, Joel Osteen, Michael Jordan, Tony Robbins, Usher, President Clinton, Mitt Romney and Donald Trump all have in common???
Besides the fact that each of them reached incredible success in a variety of areas, each must share an incredible work ethic, success habits, they overcome failures, criticism, they had blind faith, and so much more...
But Dean being fortunate enough to meet each of them, can say with total certainty that each share the success principle he shares with you in this weeks Weekly Wisdom video.
Watch the video and share your thoughts in the comments below.
This week's WW goes hand in hand and reiterates Ali's "Not to Do" List. We want to be everything to everyone and often it makes for a big mess and a lot of stress.
Thanks for all you do!
Have be like Nike
It is true that the world and life throw stuff at us that we want to say yes too but we have to say no. We have to be like Nike and just do it when it comes to studying our real estate stuff and a big NO to all the other stuff that tries to block that from happening. So think Nike and just do it..... NOW GO GET SOME
Hey Dean!
This is a needed reminder. I've heard you talk about saying "NO" before but it is one of those things that you have to constantly be asking yourself: "What should I be saying no to?" Sometimes its work, co-workers, family, friends, events, bad habits, your kids or all of the above. This weekend I said no to traveling 6 hrs each way to my investing market and chose to spend time with my family going to the beach, working in our garden together, and playing games around the house. It has been an balance between day job, family, me time(exercise), and REI. I'm 6 months away from telling that day job good bye and it is all because of your education and the support of this AMAZING DG FAMILY the last 2+ years. THANK YOU!! I'M SO GRATEFUL TO HAVE YOU AS PART OF MY LIFE!! FREEEEEEDOOOMM!!! It's so close I can taste it...
Make it a great week!
Success Is A Complete Change to Our State of Mind
Dean, I mentioned previously that FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) stops us from action because we give in to our fear. It's like a ball and chain attached to our body holding us back. If we would focus on our goals not just once a day all the time. Fear would have no place in our life. We would be so focused on our desires that nothing else would matter. Dean it took me several years to finally get to that point. I watched several of your most successful students reach their goals and desires while fear gripped my heart preventing me to take consistent action until I obtained my goals. Honestly that doesn't bother me one bit, I'm excited to see Chip and Andrea, Matt Larson, Ali, Jen, Carol succeed, because it motivates me more each day and I love to compete. One last thing that Tony Robbins teaches, "Love our family, but Choose our Peers. Our peers are the people that we select to mentor/partner with, to become part of our inner circle. Those people only build you up and never tear you down and a times give advise on business, which is absolutely awesome. The DG family are so supportive, positive and uplifting. Thanks to everybody.
Saying no evolves
Such a great pouring out of wisdom! And so practical! I am realizing that things that made sense for me to say "yes" to in the recent past, now need to fall into the "no" pile. Thank you as always for pushing us to greatness.
Dean/DG Family/DG Team
Dean/DG Family/DG Team if it wasn't for this community of investors taught by you Dean, and the top students and coaches keeping this community strong and vibrant.... I can safely say FEAR would overcome each and everyone of us. And uultimately it is on us to say no to those old limiting beliefs and unhealthy thinking, redirect to positive thinking I personally had to make the leap and I was more then surprised how life slowly but drastically changing for the better as I let go of fear go at it constantly with a burning desire.....
Then having Insider Elite is exactly how you said it would be DG on Steroids not only do you get support you get a step by step how to video instructions, frequent live events having us engage even more. So our learning is that much more enhance.
This is why I also want to thank the tech people who keep these pages running at optimal levels.
Saying NO
I'm a contractor and it's hard for me to say no to working on the houses I buy and no to others asking if I still do outside work. I have to learn to say no to doing this type of work as i lose money when I'm on these jobs. It's hard to let go the things we're comfortable with and getting rid of the jobs that others can do in order of us to make the money we should. It's when we say we're worth more (100 or more an hour) and believe it is when we'll achieve it. Thanks for keeping us on track.
Just do it.
I'm saying NO to procrastination. It is so easy to whittle your day away and it affects everything you need to do to get results, whether it be in your personal life or your work. Thanks for creating this thought provoking video. It's what I needed this week.
i needed to hear this one, action is what i need to do. back to work for me. thanks dean.
i love this
you have a great mind set and i'm about in the same boat, i'm working hard to be successful at this and feel like i'm going to make it. keep your head up and i wish you the best.
Just say NO
Thank you Dean, I actually have already been working on this. I have had to stop doing so many good things and be all over the map and making myself crazy, and to really praying and narrowing down what I do need to do. This goes for my personal life as well as my real estate investing. When I finally started doing things in my business to run my business and not let my RE business run me, I was finally not tired of running my self to death. One thing we did is have a weekly meeting between Bo and me, my husband and RE partner. That way we ran it like a business and not be late for it. We have weekly things we are both responsible for and it has worked so much better. I also quit analyzing every deal, I started analyzing the deals that fit for my buyers or where I knew there was potential for a flip. I can't do them all and I really quit doing alot of unnecessary work. Thank you so much for posting this weekly wisdom's they really help me and stay focused!!!
Awesome Reminder Dean!
time to make a list of the items that I need to say no to... I will start by not answering every call/text that comes in my phone; instead, I will set a time period during the day when I will listen/read to the voicemails/messages, and prioritize which ones I need to return personally, and which ones I can delegate.
Thank you Dean!
Saying No!
Thank You Dean For Another Awesome Weekly wisdom
Once I hit that next Milestone, I can then bring some of my NO items back in .
Loaded with Golden Boulders
I will get me List done A.S.A.P. So many NO things to put on my list so I can rocket to the next Level, So Close now
Thank You Again Dean for
you do for us here
Darren From Calif
Just say No!!!
Hi Dean just say no to family has been the hard thing for me I love my family dearly and I do want the best for all of them. But you are right you must know when to say no in able to be able to say yes in do time. Thanks Dean for all you for us. DG Family!!!
Being a YES MAN and having the CAN DO MIND has always been my strong side. I have learned from listening to the empowering words here on the site that I needed to flip my mind to focus on ME.
NO was not a word I used often. This weekly wisdom is powerful in reminding me that in order to say YES to me, I have to say NO to outside distractions.
Thank you for the push.
The Best is YET TO COME !
Success Secrets #1
Hi Dean,
Another great weekly wisdom.....easy to say " No " but what will the outcome be, in doing so ?
Priorities need to be in order.......This must come first....
Thank You for all you do....
...Have a Great Week....
Awesome blog Dean!! As always, thank you for your inspiring message
What I will say "no" to is procrastination and those nasty tapes and messages programmed into my mind that tell me: "you can't do this", "You're not good enough", "that kind of success is for someone else", "how in the world are you going to accomplish this?" - excuses and failures - That is ok because I am a work in progress and sure to have many more failures before I am done.
I attended a webinar this past week entitled "Change your mindset, change your life". From age 0 - 8 a firm foundation of our mindset is formed and by 18 it is pretty much a solid routine. We are trained to be locked in to the negative so that we stay stuck in the rat race. So, we have to re-train, re-invent and remove those parts of the mindset that keep us stuck and frozen in place.
Thanks to Dean and this family I am learning and growing. I am mentally better off than I was 7 or 8 years ago. I thank God.
One major obstacle that I have these days and that seems to plague and haunt me is not having enough income and trying to create some. I know that we do not have to have money or a job or good credit to do this. So, I am telling myself "Hello, make the phone calls, find a realtor, improve my list of buyers". JUST DO IT
Lastly, I need everyone's help here. My brother Loren Kirkham has been struggling to breathe for the past 10 years or so and over the past couple of years he has been evaluated for a lung transplant. On Friday of last week he was finally put on the list and one person is ahead of him. This has been a tedious journey for him and full of frustration and anxiety but he says we are here now and he is ready. My brother Loren and his wife Joyce live in Aurora, Colorado and I would like every believer out their to pray and add him to all the prayer lists that we can. I am praying for that new lung for length of years. Once he gets thru this he wants to volunteer to help others get thru it. I have not seen him in 12 years so I want to get some deals done and enable myself to hire some household help here and the chance to go visit with him.
Would you please pray for Loren and his wife Joyce and their family. Thank you so much and sorry I was so long with my post today.
If the prioerities are straight, NO will be that much easier to acomplish. It is about knowing where you want to go at any given moment and not deviating.
Thanks for your insight Dean!
Just say no.
Dean. I agree with the subject of saying no.I will definitely have more time to get deals done.Saying yes to progress and no to wasted time.Thanks.
Dear Dean, as usual, you always make good sense.
We constantly practice saying NO. We come across this almost every day. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks, I had never heard that principle before.
Saying no.
OK, I have said no to three people this month and one more this week and I feel uneasy about it, the last one, but , yes, this just might free up some of my energy. I really needed to hear this - makes me feel less guilty.
Thank you,
Great success strategy Dean.
That was one of my problems a couple of years ago, I always said yes to family for favors and by doing that I was saying no to putting effort into real estate. Now I tell everyone who asked me for favors in the day time no and that I'm busy working on my real estate deals. Implementing this alone help me see more results so fast.
Thanks a lot Dean for
Thanks a lot Dean for bringing the message I needed at the right time....I can always count on dg getting me back on tract
Saying No...
The Not to do list is as important as the To do list...Way to go Dean, Your doing great...Daniel
thanks dean
You hit a hot item here on learning to say NO, I love life and love to get things done ( BIG TIME) and get so over loaded with deals coming in so many and I want to do them all that make sense and had so many on the table that havent paned out to alot of buyer factors.We need this one very much and I need to get that done( deal) and it bothers me and every day, cant even sleep, sincerely, Jim
thanks dean
You hit a hot item here on learning to say NO, I love life and love to get things done ( BIG TIME) and get so over loaded with deals coming in so many and I want to do them all that make sense and had so many on the table that havent paned out to alot of buyer factors.We need this one very much and I need to get that done( deal) and it bothers me and every day, cant even sleep, sincerely, Jim
Success secrets
Dean is absolutely right. You must be taking action each day and from your success, you can help others like your family, your church, the poor and needy, the elderly and all those you have a desire to teach, lead and assist by your example. Always speak words of Life and just know many are watching how you conduct yourself.
May everyone's day be successful and blessed.
Debbie Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC