Weekly Wisdom #343 - What Is Your Next Level?

What does living life at the NEXT LEVEL look like? What does overwhelming joy, happiness, vibrancy and passion feel like? If you've never experienced it, it's AMAZING and the best part is you too can experience it!

Go watch this week's Weekly Wisdom and find out how you can live life at a whole NEW LEVEL!!

And also, as Dean mentions in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get access to Brendon Burchard's High Performance Academy go to http://bit.ly/2BBHPA

Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!

Hi Dean

thank you once again for the words of wisdom.

I was wondering if you could devote one of your upcoming weekly wisdoms specifically to the techniques of real estate. I know flipping is a great strategy in this market and wholesaling is great in any market. But I would just love to hear what you (our teacher) is doing specifically right now (maybe deals you've recently done, strategies to avoid, most effective marketing strategies, etc) and maybe just get some insight on the current real estate market.

Again, Thanks for the message this week. As always, very inspiring and making me want to push myself harder to the next level. I just thought it would be cool to mix it up and hear about details from your real estate successes and setbacks on the ground in todays market.

Thanks for all you do


I would Like to know

I look forward to the weekly wisdoms. It does keep me going. However, I also would like to ditto the senitiments of previous posting on real estate. After trying to use the strategy of partnering/ having Agents work with you is very difficult in my area. I would also like to know how to overcome that. Been feeling stuck lately .

this is the first time that

this is the first time that i have seen your video and i couldnt tell in words how much i am flattered with it.! its really amazing and now i am definitely going through all the previous videos as well.

Thank You Dean

Thank you again Dean you are a true human being that is the best salesman and not only that, one of the Best Teacher's I have ever seen and heard in my life. I wish I had you in my school in grade school, Jr. High and High school to learn how to Earn Money as other things that you teach all of us, being healthy to treat others with respect all the goodies you teach all of us to make are life's much better!

Thank You!!! LL Southern California

this is the first time that

this is the first time that i have seen your video and i couldnt tell in words how much i am flattered with it.! its really amazing and now i am definitely going through all the previous videos as well.

Weekly Wisdom #343 - What Is Your Next Level?

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Very interesting Weekly wisdom this week......

I'm INTRIGUED that you was on the phone for two (2) hours, while on vacation...Shocked........ha,ha

I always enjoy a good challenge.....Smiling

Enjoy your vacation........Thank You for all you do.....xo


Very intrigued...

Valuni's picture


I like this challenge... being intrigued of how and where we see ourselves two years ahead... it's all good! Smiling

Thank you for doing this Weekely, even while you're on vacation... and thank you Breanna for filming the Weekly-great job!!!