Weekly Wisdom #390 - The #1 thing holding you back is....

There is something about understanding the way people think and the direct relation it has to their success that truly intrigues me.

And for that reason, I decided one day that I was going to send an email to my entire email list and take a poll of the #1 thing they believe is holding them back from that NEXT LEVEL...

We had thousands and thousands of responses... and you know what the #1 answer was? It was FEAR...

The fear of not being good enough...the fear of failure... the fear of embarrassing themselves... the fear of what others may say. And when I read that I knew I had to do something to help my DG Family overcome fear!

So with this week's Weekly Wisdom I am going to show you how to once and for all demolish the fear that is trying to control your subconscious and keep you stuck in a life you may not love.

This is an incredibly important Weekly Wisdom! So check it out!

Watch now!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

What FEAR?

Valuni's picture

Great Weekly Dean,

Yes, I used to have fear when I first started doing rei! I would keep myself busy 'studying' so I didn't have to go out and take action... but as you said, once you take that first step out of your comfort zone, the fear is gone!
It's all in our minds... if we look at obstacles as opportunities to greater things ahead for us, we kill the fear!

thank you for your awesome guidance and continued motivation!

would like to get the training package for winning state of mind

Patti-Ann's picture

the link to get the Winning State of Mind goes to a nothing page???

The message on fear was GREAT! I've been a member since 2009. Dropped the ball, but ready to pick it up!

Thanks Dean



Excellent Dean

I enjoyed the training and will replay it a few more times. I am realizing personal growth and it feels good. Thank you for being a part of my learning and growing.

Fear,"To Be or not to be"...

Gregory H Castello's picture

Loved this live Weekly Wisdom. It is smoother than some of the selfie Weekly Wisdom's, of which I have been watching since number 110, roughly.
I look forward to next week's Smiling
To all my friends on facebook, start your day with something positive Like Dean Graziosi; Darren Hardy, Tony Robbins; Brendon Bouchard plus more.
Participate in your own life; don't just sit in the stands spectating!

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