Weekly Wisdom #404 - Special Election Day Wisdom!

This week's Weekly Wisdom comes with a special "Election Day Message"

More than ever, I see the terrified look on people's faces when asked about the election and the possibility of who will become our next president.

I see people getting scared, worried, anxious, and saying things like "If X is president I'll never be successful" Or "If X is president I am screwed"!

But here is my message for today's Weekly Wisdom and a message I think American's need now more than ever...

Are you going to let the results of this election dictate your state of mind, your happiness and your joy?

Are you going to let somehting you can;t control bring you down and ruin your day, week, month or year?

Let me talk to you this week about why now it is more important than ever to protect your emotions and not let any outside factors bring you down.

You need to hear this...

Watch now!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!

Your New Book

Hello Dean,
Any chance I could get a copy of your new book strictly from you? A sponsored ad came up for the book and I clicked on it and turns out you have to pay for the shipping with a credit card. I don't hold any credit cards. Thank you and sorry. Dot

Thank you Dean!

Valuni's picture

yes!! Thank you for your continued motivation, especially during this time of national divisiveness...
I am in control of my own destiny regardless of the election outcome!!!

Looking forward to reading your new book!!

Weekly Wisdom #404 - Special Election Day Wisdom!

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Regardless of who wins.....I control my own destiny....Smiling

Thank you for all you continue to do......xo


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