Weekly Wisdom - Reciprocity To Change Your Life?

Isn't it crazy how sometimes the simplest of messages can carry the biggest impact?

I kind of feel like that's where this week's Weekly Wisdom comes into play...

So many times I share with epople the higher level of what they can do in their business to succeed, how to get more done faster, how to profit in today's economy, etc...

But sometimes all it truly takes to change someones day, week, month or year is a simple strategy that is far too often overlooked.

And that's where this message comes into play...

Check out this video on Reciprocity, and let this be one of those Trojan horse trainings that delivers some serious value!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!

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Dean....You don't know this...but I first saw you eight years ago on an infomercial on tv and it was the lowest point of my life when they picked my car for nonpayment and I just lost my mom, who was my best friend. Well I have not made that million in wholesaling yet, but I have made what feels like a million friends on this site. Thank you soooooooo much for your weekly wisdom videos...Reciprocity is definitely synonymous with giving back! Love Ya! Yolanda

Dear Dean, Thank you for

Donna Doo's picture

Dear Dean,

Thank you for the great message. I do think sometime folks get all caught up and forget about this! There is nothing better that helping with out expecting a return.
Today and yesterday to I had the opportunity to help
two different couples that are selling their homes for sale buy owner, They just didn't understand the contract both couples offered to pay me, but I felt just helping them for nothing was the thing to too.
Will that good will come back to me... I dont know... but I am sure thankful I had the knowledge to help them.
So, I ask Dean,what can I do for you? I feel I owe you so much.. thank you

Giving and Reciving...

CashingMyNotes's picture

The reality of giving is a factor that lives in each one of us and for some, more than others.

However, when facing destitute they too quickly learn humility and gratitude.

Perhaps then, reciprocity will kick-in, to give without expecting anything in return.

I totally agree with you Dean, and I believe that the way you were treated is a testament, to your giving abilities and the gratitude that so many of us would love express in the same manner.

Than You. God Bless you and your lovely Family. (And your DG Family) Smiling