Weekly Wisdom - What Is That One Thing?

What is the one thing you need to avoid this week to finally allow yourself to be set free of that extra baggage, that weight on your shoulder, that pain in your heart?

How easy would it be to focus solely on what drives us forward rather than what holds us back?

This week we find out!

Watch now!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!

John Custin

I am subconsciously avoiding applying for a USDA RDA section 502 Direct loan for a construction/permanent loan to build a house on a lot I purchased way back in 1988. When I bought it I knew one day I build my first home on it.
I am so close to finishing the application but keep subconsciously making excuses not to finish it even though I consciously know that finishing it is the most important thing I need to do.
why do I keep making excuses?...even putting other less important - even trivial tasks - ahead of finishing the application? I know the answer. I am afraid that USDA St. Croix VI will deny it and having my lifetime dream destroyed is a deep rooted fear....Here on the Island the banks and mortgage companies stopped writing construction loans and RDA is the only viable option...my credit isn't great and if RDA denies my application I will be deeply depressed by the thought of having to sell my land that was my lifetime hope and dream....

What is that one thing??

AWESOME Weekly Wisdom, Dean!! No matter what I do, it always seems like I have some "obstacle" in my path. Well, your words that our "next level of life" is just the OTHER side of that obstacle are SO encouraging!
YES...I WILL do something EVERY day....to build our REI...to get it MOVING in the right direction again!! God Bless you for your encouragement, Dean!!


Very inspiring weekly wisdom. Sometimes we just want to get it all done and move on. But situations will not allow us to do so, we need to do our myessayslab weekly reflection with an effort.

this weeks weekly wisdom

Just listened to your weekly wisdom. Thank you for the encouragement. I was frustrate this morning
and you made my day, really turned it around. Thanks again Dean.

this weeks weekly wisdom

Just listened to your weekly wisdom. Thank you for the encouragement. I was frustrate this morning
and you made my day, really turned it around. Thanks again Dean.