First Entry: Well i've been reading a lot of whats posted on this sight, and i must say you guys really pump me up to get started. Then life hits and it seems like the brakes get thrown back on. So i thought that maybe my best chance was to start my journal and get myself into the mix. I like the thought of tracking my progress and the fact that there are other people i want to measure up too so... lets get to it.
I never worried about money before, i was NAVY bachlor and i never had plans for a family. Fast forward five years, i left the service and fell in love with an amazing woman who i can easily call my soul mate. The ironic part for the man who never wanted kids was that she had four boys from a previous marrage. I must say though that they are relativly cool kids and we get along well. We just recently added to the count with our own beautiful baby girl who perfectly completes the family. My life has plenty of problem and there's more than one area that needs improvement, but as far as family goes I know im blessed.
The thing that drew me to Real Estate and Dean's infomercial is that in the time we have been together we have racked up a decent amount debt. We have since realized and stopped our spending (a lot of it was my fault in the first year of being with the boys i think i tried to buy myself into there good graces..... its not easy being an overnight father of four) Besides the debt we had together we also have to deal with the debt her ex left on us (he claimed bankrupcy without her knowing, she was left with credit cards, doctor bills and a house in forclosure that we eventually lost) Add on a costly divorce and our funds are nearly gone. For a while we were both working two full time jobs and starting to get caught up. She had to drop one of them to take care of the baby. Then one of her old credit cards froze our account for nearly a month, my money too since it was a joint account. It starts to feel like every time we pull ourselves up something drags us back to where we started...or worse. Its extreamly disheartening. But anyway i saw Dean on TV a few times and would always watch to the end wondering if the guy was for real. Then one night a saying that might have come from Dean's infomercial popped into my head "if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got!" I decided i am tired of living this way, im tired of being tired, and that my family deserves better than what im providing for them! I picked up the phone and ordered Dean's Think A Little Different course, it came a week or so later and i dove in. I read the whole thing, was pumped up, thought about getting a mentor, and went back to work. I would think about REI at different times through out the day but would keep on working, making a living... if it can be called that. I would listen in on conference calls, get excited agian. But honestly it would get pushed down agian as i went through the motions of my day.
Im a factory worker from 7-3:30 (which i HATE), and a Security Guard from 4-12:30 (which i hate slightly less) I want to be a Real Estate Investor, I want that excitment that i first felt when i ordered, and i want a better life for my family. Thats why im writing this Journal, i went and ordered Dean's "millionare" book. Im reading through it, and going back through the course (doing the exercises this time). I've looked at my local RE Market and chosen to focus on assignments, and forclosures that i can fix and rent out until the market changes. I have realized i need constant encouragement, so im going to call about a mentor tomorrow and will be checking this site daily. Hey its a start... I want to thank everyone who contributes on this site and apologize for getting long winded. I didn't know i had that much pent up in me. Fun and theriputic... who knew? Later,
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. -Mark 11:23-
-Now who are you to say it can't be done?-
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all that. It brought tears to my eyes.
You reminded me again of why I, too, first started in real estate. Starting out with NOTHING except a sense of determination and a longing for something better for your family is all a person needs to succeed in whatever they put their mind to.
Your family is very blessed to have you, and I KNOW you will SOON be reaping the rewards of your decision to take this step! We will be here with all the support we can give. Use the tools that are in your hand and you will succeed. I pray God's blessings on your family, and wish you all the quality of life (and time together) you deserve.
Thanks again, David, and it is wonderful to have you join us. Keep us posted on your progress. We will be here to cheer you on.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
I, too , was touched by your story. Congratulations on your family and the new direction in your life. Most of us can relate to some of those circumstances in your life. Stay encouraged and seek to do the right things, and with God's help you can rise above them.
This is a great site to get valuable information and encouragement. Just don't give up. It may take a little while before you see some results, but you will NEVER see them if you quit. (That's what I keep telling myself!
We all look forward to hearing from you as the weeks and months go by.
"...and the Israelites dwelled in the land of Goshen...they acquired land... and they prospered..." (Jan's paraphrase)
Welcome to the DG family, we're very glad to have you here and we really appreciate you sharing your story with us. As you can tell, you've touched our hearts! I'm glad that you started your journal, it IS theraputic, to say the least. The wonderful people I've met here have changed me and the direction I was going. Joining DG was the BEST thing I could've done for many reasons, so many I don't have time to go into them right now. But the main thing is all the knowledge, support and encouragement you get here. I had NO support when I came here and now because of my DG family I have the support I need to sustain me through those rough times. Now things are looking up, I have two deals pending and I'm working on more. I've come a long way in the few short months I've been here and it's ALL because of! My hope is that you have the success you seek and that we can share it with you.
God bless you richly,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Hi agian. First i would like to thank you all for your kind comments. I have never been one to communicate through a computer, always been kind of smile and a hand shake guy i guess. So i apologize if im a little slow getting the hang of it. This is my second journal entry and as i said i would i called today about the mentoring program. David Hodgkinson took down my info and told me a little about how everything worked, it sounded like it would fit me well. The initial money may be an issue, as were quite literally paycheck to paycheck. I could save it but i don't want to wait that long. I'll get it though if i have to beg, borrow, or steal......... borrow(thats what relatives are for lol). I also went on the Orange County Government Web site to find out how forclosures worked in my area, it was helpful. I know it's not a lot but as they say "Every step counts if it moves you forward", That's all for now.
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. -Mark 11:23-
-Now who are you to say it can't be done?-
Hi agian, I haven't posted anything since thursday but a lot has been going on. I have been going through my material trying to find properties. We found out this weekend that we won't have enough money to keep renting our house and we will have to break our lease. I dropped that bomb on the landlord today, he wasn't happy but he was very nice about it. We're all payed up until the end of this month then were out. It's stressfull to say the least, 3 steady incomes and we just keep sliding backwards. I guess the trick really is smarter not harder. I had to swallow my pride and ask my mother if we could move into her house, she said yes. I love her but i haven't told her about REI as she is (very unintentionally) what Dean calls a Dream Stealer. She means well but i don't want to hear that right now. There wont be enough room for all the boys so the three oldest are going to have to stay with their father. Though it will only be temporary, no one is happy about it. Since i've been swallowing pride i decided to bite off a healthy chunk and ask my cousin/best friend for the rest of the money i need to get myself enrolled in the mentor program. He gave it to me without skipping a beat, never even asked what it was for..... i told him anyway. Sometimes i forget i have such good friends. So i called David Hodgkinson to see how to proceed, but it was a little late in the day and i missed him. Calling him agian is the top thing on my to do list for tomorrow. So thats where im at, a few ups and a few downs. I figure the downs will just make me a better sucess story, or at least that's what im telling myself. good bye for now.
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. -Mark 11:23-
-Now who are you to say it can't be done?-
hi everyone,
I haven't posted anything latley because all my free time is going to the mentor program which i joined about two weeks ago. It was a little scary at first but i figured what do i have to loose? I did the getting started class and called the help line, the support is great. Whatever questions i have they help me with and never make you feel dumb for asking. I'm doing my action items now. I have a list of realtors that i want to interview and will be fitting them in where ever and when ever i can. I haven't done anything in the last four days because i have been in the process of moving. My parents are great and i'm very glad to have a place to live, but it's also been a wake up call. I need to get us on our feet. I wont quit.
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. -Mark 11:23-
-Now who are you to say it can't be done?-