I wanted to post a new forum about owner financing and lease with option to purchase. Which one is better for the aspect of making the most money and everything else involved in these two options? I want to make a decision and get rid of the realtors, He thinks i am making a mistake by choosing either one. I told him i want to move on and get on my journey. Should have listened in the past, when i had the opportunity and didn't realize what i lost. I contacted the folks that were interested the last time i ran the ad, but they decided to just rent. So back to the drawing board. They are now tied to the rental for 1 yr. my bad
cindy REI
hi can some tell me how can i meeet dean graziosi in person so i can talk to him in person thanks
Dean is like Donald Trump or president bush, what do you think your chances are of meeting these people or like oprah. Not to be a smarty but i think the only way that you could meet him in person would be to really really work hard and be just like him. In other words you would have to have accomplished something really really big.
cindy REI
Hi there
To be a positive in your goal to meet Dean you may first try gearing yourslf up for the current competition he is running. Listen to the conference call from last week for details.
THEN: Work hard to reach YOUR goals and document all you do on here. He reads these post pretty often. Your progress will b e duly noted and if you WIN you could have your meet with Dean - so with that being said - GOOD LUCK..... FYI - competition not based on how much you buy or sale but on the effort and ethic that you put forth.
NOW - just so you know. I have met BOTH, Oprah, and Donald Trump as well and also Bill and Hillary Clinton, as a matter of fact I have attended 2 of Hillary's birthday parties in the last 4 years and I also know Oprah's best friend Gayle - we have lunch on occasion when I am in LA. SO - if I can meet them so can YOU....lol...dream BIG and you will never feel small.
and in case you are wondering...NO..I have not met Dean buts thats one of my goals too.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Of course the Realtor will tell you you're making a mistake because he ultimately just wants his commission... LOL! It really just depends on what you need the most. Do you want monthly cash flow or just to be rid of the house once and for all? With a lease option there's no guarantee that they will exercise their option to buy so you might have to do it again or renew if they can't get their own mortgage within the contract terms. By financing you will be acting as the bank and they are required to buy it. Don't give up hope because the last interested party found something else. Everything happens for a reason, believe you'll find someone who will give you a bigger down or will work out even better... Stay positive, be clear on what you want without floundering and you will attract that back to you!
Your friend,
Elena ;D
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Lucky you
cindy REI
Anita, Have you ever met Dean? Just wondering.
cindy REI
Hello Elena, I want both positive cash flow, and to move. I want to make a chunk of money and re invest in something like a duplex or a triplex, that way i can get financing for only 10% down because it is considered my primary residence, then i want to rent the other side or sides out for more positive cash flow. So now my question is by me acting as the bank,and doing an owner finance what is required from me or on my part. OOOOOh I should have never let that realtor run me. I had the perfect family, wouldn't of had to worry about nothing. Shucks my BAD BAD BAD !!!!!!! I called the couple back but like i said earlier they had to have a place to go so they are renting for now. Now i guess it's time to run another ad huh. Thanks Elena.
cindy REI
Don't stress yourself out, everything happens for a reason hon! Sometimes we don't always see it clearly, but in time you will. There will be more chances for you to sell, you just need to be clear on exactly what you want to do with it and continuously market it, you will attract the right buyer and have it sold in no time if you stck with the plan! I NEVER had to pay for advertising my rentals, I simply stuck a sign out front and got my renters that way or by word of mouth. Use FREE advertising first!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I like your website, It is real easy to use. One of the best i have seen. Good girl, you have it going on. Thank you for all of your advice on the free stuff as well.
cindy REI