How To Lock Up and OWN 1,000,000.00 in Property NOW!

How To Lock Up and OWN 1,000,000.00 in Property NOW!

Well here I go with another of my brain spurts so just bare with me.

For a while now I have been working on a project to not only gain a great monthly cashflow, but lock up enough property so that I will OWN my Million dollars in 2-3 years time, max.


There it is. So let me explain. I want to find 10 large properties for sale by lease option over the next year - properties with 5-6 bedrooms or more. I set my max lease rate at 2000.00 per month. I will lease the properties under my company and avaoid all of the credit check and other obstacles that an individual runs into when trying to rent.

I will then rent the properties out but not as SFR but at rooms rentals. In a 6 bedroom house I can rent to up to 9 people comfortably, with some of the master suites carrying double occupancy at a rate on the average of 550.00 per person, which in the area I live, is a steal for a monthly room rental rate.

Rental Rate = 2000.00
Rental Intake = 4950.00
GROSS YRLY CASHFLOW = 35,400.00 per Property
(10x) = 354,000.00
(-) 25% of Net For Expenses = 88,500.00
NET CASHFLOW YRLY = 265,500.00

Now if the average cost of the properties that I lock up on the lease options are 300K - 350K, and this is the current fair market value of the property in TODAY's market, then in three years when the market has rebounded some and prices have gone baack up, I will go then hold the options on not 3 or 3.5 million in properties but somewhere around 5 - 7 million. Please understand that housing prices are high in my area so if your area is lower thats all the better it only means that you will have to lock up a few more properties to acieve you million.

You see in the market I live in, the home values dropped significatly. So when I say a homes current FMV is 300K then that means thatone year ao that same home or mini mansion, if you will, was selling for and worth around 500-600K.

So when I lock in the 10 properties with the 2-3 year options at todays FMV, when it comes time to exercise the options I not only have the option money from the lease for the Down Payment, but I also will be walking into these homes with substantial equity (which any mortgage broker will tell you is almost as good as cash in hand).

So whereas, I am putting out 20K a year for lease payments and bringing in 49,500.00 in rents, I am Cash Flowing like crazy and also locking up solid real estate deals in a market the is volitile at the moment.

So when the time comes to start exercising those options, I will pretty much be set. I will also be negotiaging some of these options to include owner financing which is even better. The owners will also be well aware that I will be obtaining these properties to rent as room rentals. I will hold a liability policy do cover any incidentals and I will assume responsiblilty for any property damage outside of the roof, piping and other standard major repairs.

As far as renters, that will not pose a problem either. I have contacted some local aganecies and found that there is a real need for transitional housing so all I would have to do is purchase a business licence, list each home under the license and they will then send me referrals for occupancy. Right now they are sitting on a waiting list of over 2500 people needing rooms.

It may seem like a huge project to take on, but I am on a mission to a million and I will not fail. So for all of you out there who wonder how you can do it, or even just start making deals period, all I can say is step out there and DO IT!

In case you are wondering how I will be funding the initial rental of these properties, I am in the process of taking on eqiuty investors and or investment partners.

I am sure I will get a lot of questions on this one, but ask away.

Thanks for reading.


TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny


Anita, you have some really

Anita, you have some really good post, I have one question, how did this project work out for you? I am very curious because I was thinking of doing something similar, but I kept thinking how would owners feel in those high end areas with transitional tenants moving in and out of house. Plus with the amount of cars they are sure to complain. Just want your input.



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Thank you Anita!

Hey Anita!

Thank you so much for this posting.....I can see the vision!!!! Eye-wink I also live in Southern Cali outside of Victorville, so maybe we can get together and MAKE SOME MONEY!!!!! Looking forward to hearing from you girl! Smiling



I love this idea too. I live in Ventura County which is agricultural so we have a lot of migrant workers and people who rent rooms. I think this idea would work really well here. I'm also curious as to how your plan worked. Thanks for sharing your goals and stragety to get there.

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