1) Make offer in the name of an LLC. Include the properties ADDRESS in the name of the LLC(525 walnut, LLC)
2) Once offer is Accepted, create the LLC. Check with an Attorney and/or department of state reguarding the process/procedures & costs for forming an LLC(it's easy)
3) Assign/Sell your ownership in the LLC to a buyer, once you recieve your Assignment Fee. Check with an Attorney reguarding the Documents required to Assign/Sell an LLC.
4) Collect your Assignment Fee in the form of CASH or a CHECK made out to the LLC & get it endorsed over to your buyer(the new owner of the LLC)
5) DONE!
6) Thank SULLY for taking the time to post this
Forgive me for taking so long to reply to your post, Sully.
Reading your words of encouragement, I am also busy kicking myself in the fanny for rubbing shoulders with many building trade professionals and failing to solicit their help. A lack of confidence, I'd guess. Well, another opportunity to break through my comfort zone.
Ironically, I have contacted some investors in my local area only to be snubbed when asking for referrals:-( Fortunately, Sully, little had I realized as a carpet cleaning professional just how many of these professionals I've personally had the privilege of cleaning for over the years whom would jump at the opportunity to assist me in my endeavors as an investor, including my current boss:-)
Thank you again, Sully. Thanks for that swift kick in the butt.
...you mentioned that LLCs in AZ will cost only $50. Is that a current price? How long ago was that? Can you please get back to me on that one.... THANKS!
Can't wait to meet you at the seminar this weekend!
"POOR people own big TVs. RICH people own big libraries."
I just got it in July so that is the current price. I know that's cheap, in Alaska it's $250!! I did it through the AZ Corp Commision website directly. I'm publicizing it for the next three weeks and it will be official then. I have my EIN and my duns number too. So I'll be ready to roll soon! I had some hurdles to jump, they got the name wrong etc. But it's all taken care of now. I'm going to do another one as soon as I have the extra cash and time.
I'm praying you will make the Seminar, I can't wait to meet in person!!
I hope you will be staying with me too. We can share information and swap stories... We probably won't get much sleep... LOL!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
What's the difference? I'm new and want to fiqure this out. Also, can you assign without an LLC? I feel like there's always something to paralyze me .LOL I just want to do get my first offer in and close!