desperate sellers

desperate sellers

Hi everyone. Just wanted to share with you all something so simple that anyone can do. It slapped me right in the face at just the right moment. I was on lunch at work searching the real estate book that comes out once per month here in texas. It has each realtor with a picture of the property and a small description of the features. I noticed a property that I had been looking at for @ four months now had been placed with another realtor , and the price had been reduced by $10,100. It dawned on me and I said WOW this has become a seller with a dire situation. So, I begin to think out of the box. I got last months issue and began to compare prices. I found that a lot of prices had been reduced from one month to the next. One had increased by $2K. So, I think I have stumbled upon a way to find desperate sellers. If you have these free real estate books, give it a try:)



Desperate sellers

We see these real estate booklets all the time at the local supermarket, will get a few and see how it pans out. Thanks for the tip.

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

You are welcome. What state

You are welcome. What state are you in? Maybe we can exchange booklets some day.



Desperate Sellers

I grabbed two of these at the supermarket yesterday. One is for high end Dream Homes. Thanks also for the tip. Hope to see some trends over the next couple months.



Kurt A. Conway, MSHA, President
The Conway Financial Group, LLC
Real Estate Investor

success academy

We just joined the success academy and talked to our coach. We watched the tour video and printed our first assignment. We are really excited and wanting to make our first offer. We'll complete a few assignments first then make some offers. Good luck to everyone



Great call

I to used the success acamandy and have no regrets except for not doing it sooner. I wish you the best of luck and if i can ever help out let me know.




I also have just finished the success academy and my head is spinning and I am chomping at the bit to start but not sure how. So much info I feeling like a baby just beginning to walk. Having to hold on to something to keep from falling but excited and keep standing up and trying again. I just need that something to hold onto right now to check my wobbly legs then start running on my own. Does anyone else feel this?
Baby steps before running wild

good info

Thanks for the info firefly, I live in texas as well, I have been looking at these prospects here lately myself to keep up with properties in the area as there are a lot that have been on the market for some time now. I am going to look at a property tomorrow that is appraised at around 200,00 and has been lowered several times now and they are down to about 50,000 and by the info I got from the listing agent I figure it should cost about 15,000 to take care of the repairs needed, I have two buyers on my list one of which is my brother who is looking to move to Tx from Fl as he has been looking for this kind of property for some time now.
