How to buy REOs and rehab w/o using my money

How to buy REOs and rehab w/o using my money

I have put ann offer on an REO property and the offer was accepted but the bank wants to close quickly before the end of the year. Is there any other way besides hard money to get this done quickly. Property is in St. Louis area anyone know where I might get funding quickly I really don't want to use my money. Any suggestions


When you put offers in on

When you put offers in on REOs some times they get accepted,that is why you should be prepared before hand. I suggest if you have the money to go ahead and close, then find fund to do the rehab,get your money on the back end.
If you don't close it will be much harder to get the bank to accept your offers in the future.
Plus I hope all your numbers are good so you make a profit when you are done.

Jim Kendrick

Self fund if you really want it

not too many options for you

People have elephant memories when you screw them over or can't come through

Get out as early as possible so you don't ruin your credibility

I understand the concept of

I understand the concept of other people's money,but if you think you have a good deal and you are confident with your ability to get the job done then I don't see why people aways want to use outside funding if they have their own.
I use what little bit I have on what ever rehab or deal I am trying to make. If I had more money available I would have five or six rehabs going at once. I always make a profit on every one of the projects I do. I guess Its just me I don't understand. I know when you don't have it you need to look for it but if you do what the H##@.


what are your numbers ?

when you made the offer what was the asking price? what did you offer? what is ARV (after repair value)? did you exepct the offer to be accepted ?


No two deals are the same


The asking price, the offer price, and ARV and accepted price will never be the same with two properties even if on same block. Too many factors;

Possibly different owners/banks/specific details in one home and not the other/and buyers

Nothing wrong with having something to gauge against, but never expect the same as someone else