I am so pumped up right now! After a year of not taking action I decided I was ready and NEEDED to make a change in my life for me and my family! I called a real estate agent that I knew had worked with investors and requested some comps about a property I am looking at. He not only sent me the comps within 20 min but a short time later he sent me another property that he said would be a good investment! I know that for some this doesn't sound like a big deal but for me it was a huge step toward where I want to be. Just thought I would share.
Mark, I know you are really proud of yourself right now. Keep up the good work. I too, was a procrastinator, but I'm on board now. I a working on getting my real estate agent lined up and today I bought all the foam boards they had at the Dollar Tree for making bandit signs ( like Greg Murphey said he did)
Looking forward to hearing more good news from you. Sharon/ Summerset Enterprises.
whoohooo! Way to go Mark!
You know that feeling you have right now....that excitement that's got you pumped because you took action. Because you made a decision and followed through. Become addicted to that feeling! Make it a habit! Then make sure you feed that habit everyday!!!
Start where you are and allow no one to stop you!
You CAN do it!
Make it happen,
btw: good response time on the agent....may be on to something there!
there are lots of Realtors that need to make some sales...congrats on making the call and taking action! There are deals everywhere...keep going and don't stop till your sitting at the settlement table!
Way to go Mark. I'm just starting with my book and have made my list of realtors but they are closed. Will call tomorrow. Hope I get the great results you did or something close. Keep sharing, it helps those like me!!!
R. Kelly