HSBC contact information

HSBC contact information

I'm looking to buy the mortgage on a property near me that owned by HSBC.I've tried to phone them but their robot switchboard is worthless. How can I contact a live person in their mortgage department..Thanks for any help


The major money center banks

are usually not interested in selling a mortgage. Once they get involved with the MERS system, it is really too hard for them to unwind a particular mortgage except by payoff.


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They were not the

They were not the originating lender. The house was over-appraised at the top of the market and the loan was for70,000. The identical house was listed a couple months later for sale at 52,000.then the crash. The house next door sold recently for 12,000 a house down the block with one more bedroom sold for 10,000[but the previous owner stripped the house when he was foreclosed on]The house I'm interested in needs a lot of work,if it went at auction,it would Probably go for 12-15,000. The lady who owns it had to go through bankruptcy,which stripped off a second mortgage. she stopped making payments about a year and a half ago. They sent her a letter saying they were going to foreclose,but since then nothings happened. Maybe this is one they've lost the paperwork on..They won't work with the lady for a new deal. I'd hate to lose her as a neighbor,so I was thinking if I could buy the mortgage,I could rent to her or lease to own..If they foreclose,they stand to take a massive haircut,so I figured They might be willing to sell the mortgage at a large discount,but I need to contact someone in the mortgage dept at HSBC to discuss it. Any suggestions. Thanks..

Any help would be

Any help would be appreciated.

Most mortgages

are not owned by the banks directly

They are owned by private investors or investment firms and the banks are merely the holders who facilitate the loan.

The only way you could normally get the info is from the request of the owner of the home in the form of a letter. They would then receive a letter with the name of the party that owns their loan.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the response.

Thanks for the response. ....Ken

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