Investor Disclosure Statement and Seller's Acknowledgement

Investor Disclosure Statement and Seller's Acknowledgement

A while back I came across a disclosure statement for the investor to disclose that he/she intends to immediately resell the property for $XXX.XX more than the investor paid the seller and that the seller understands that the investor intends to make a profit from the resale transaction.

My question is why would this be necessary when you include "as assigns" next to your name in the purchase contract? I thought we only needed to explain to the seller that you could resell if you want to. Also, why can't that be included in the purchase contract? When would this investor disclosure be warranted and would it be required to be part of the purchase contract that the buyer would see?



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Verna (newage8767)

It's the world we live in

To make sure the seller doesn't come back on you and say that he/she didn't know you were going to resell at higher price and you screwed them out of money with your advanced knowledge. This form of litigation does take place especially when you get a super deal. (Think $10,000+ easy profit)


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So then

So then we would disclose at signing by saying my partners and I will do rehab?

And then add it in the contract

TetraHomes wrote:
To make sure the seller doesn't come back on you and say that he/she didn't know you were going to resell at higher price and you screwed them out of money with your advanced knowledge. This form of litigation does take place especially when you get a super deal. (Think $10,000+ easy profit)


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Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-

Trey is right

I never used an Investor Disclosure Statement and Seller's Acknowledgement contract for my wholesale deals but Trey is right the seller could possibly come back and make a big deal about it if you made a lot of money. Also you can just use the double close method if your wholesale fee would be more then $10K. That way the seller and the buyer wouldn't know how much your making. Hey but in most cases the sellers is desperate and really doesn't care what your making as long as you help them sell the house.


Reynold Orozco