How much to charge for assignment fee

How much to charge for assignment fee

Could someone tell me if, 15% finder' fee is to high or to low for the assignment of a contract?


Just Starting Out

I'm very excited to get started, and I would like to attend some RE Investor's meetings. However, I'm a little concerned that they will be able to tell that I'm new at this. I want to come across as a professional.

Also, is it a good idea to have a different business card to give to investors vs. sellers? Also, a different phone number?

Do I need the LLC in the beginning, if I'm just planning on doing assignments until I accumulate some cash to work with?

Have most of you gone through extra training to be successful - or is it possible with just the books and website? I don't really have the money to invest in the extra training right now, but would like to do that after I get some money to work with.

Sorry if this is too many questions! Thanks to anyone who can help me.


Denise Z

Hi Denise!

Welcome to the family! Hey, don't sweat the club meetings. I was so nervous at my first so of course EVERYONE knew I was new at it! That's ok, they will help you out, see what they are looking for, they maybe even mentor you. Just remember, they are there for the same reasons you are, they're investors! They were once where you are too. Mingle & have fun!
You don't have to have an LLC right away either (though it looks kinda sharp on the cards! Smiling I've seen many others that have waited to get it, I did get mine right away, but that's me.

Good luck Denise (that's my twin's name)!



Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie


I add my welcome to the DG family! Have fun and mingle in the meetings; ask LOTS of questions; I recently met an older man, seasonsed investor( got a deal through him)and became quick friends, socializing together; he's generous, shares tons of ideas, tips, etc.,that for me is most rewarding; I also recently met another newbie, who was afraid, shy, uncertain, in information overload with all the material; I believe I was able to "mentor" him to some degree and help him focus on what to do first. You will. . . .be in that position one day soon also. . .
I told him that the LLC was important, but not necessarily a crucial first step to be able to start doing deals.
Hope this helps.
and don't get discouraged. .
Grady..out looking crosstown' for another good deal


crosstown looker

Hey Crisnotes

Grady here. . on the finder's fee, here is what I'v done with the 10 deals we've done in 18 months; I paid a woman her travel miles and a good hourly wage to bird dog; I found a house that way.
I gave another woman(who was in dire need) a new $100 bill for making a few phone calls off of FOR SALE signs she passed on her way to work everyday; found a deal that way:
My attorney friend gave me a lead because a person phoned him to begin eviction procedures on a slacker tenant. . . .I made contact, built rapport, got a killer deal; I sent the attorney a special $200 American Express Dining gift card and a personal note of thanks;
Point of all is that you'll need to try a few ways to reward finders; you may go overboard with 15%, but being overlygenerous. . . .is probably a trickle down effect from our guy Dean Graziosi. . . .he's certaily been generous to me; that can only come back to you later in some positive way.
You could say, for example tie your fee to the cash value of a deal, or merely give a set amount; many variables here.
Anywho, best to you in your new ventures. . . .Unquestionably, real estate investing has changed our lives in many ways; Yesterday, walking out of the title office down the street. .. I just couldn't help smiling big. . .felt the urge to phone a friend, someone. .. and say, "hey, just closed on another deal" feels terrific. You'll have that feeling very soon also!!
Grady.. out looking crosstown' for another good deal.


crosstown looker

Starting Out

I'm sorry. I just realized that I put this under the wrong category. I will re-post it where it belongs.

Thanks for your encouraging words, Grady!


Denise Z


Listen to Grady. He is a pro at this, and very creative. LOTS of great suggestions!
Also, with an assignment, the more equity or the sweeter the cash flow, the more you can charge. Since you are doing the work and locking up the property, you can charge whatever you feel is warranted by the deal you're passing on. If you're just starting out you might want to keep your fee low to get those first ones under your belt and get you investors to notice you. The more you bring, the more serious money you could ask for. Remember, the sweeter the deal, the sweeter the reward. lol Smiling

Hope that helps,



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

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