How much time to allow interested buyers...

How much time to allow interested buyers...

Hello everyone,

How long do you let a potential buyer look at a property locked up under contract (for say, 30 days)before moving on to another buyer if the potential buyer does not make an immediate decision on the property?

Thanks for your help,



Interested buyers

This will depend on the contingencies that you have in place to protect yourself in the contract and who you are dealing with on selling the property! Some homeowners do not understand a contract and what is happening - but if they are represented by a realtor, they will educate the homeowner on the games that could be played in a contract. They will enforce contingencies in a contract and let the seller know when they are entitled to your earnest money in the event of default.

You should always be professional in dealing with others, understand that you need to have a buyers list and never put the cart before the horse by placing a home under contract and not having immediate investors to turn to on selling them the deal. You should have clear time frames set forth in your contract. I hope that this information helps!


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30 days tops....

anymore than that and they're not real cash buyers; I personally have never dealt with a cash buyer who couldn't close in under 10 business days

30 days should be the limit

And Salden I must emphatically disagree with you; a buyers list is nothing more than a list of peoples names if there is no deal in place to use them.

Just my opinion.

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