Wholesaling Joint Venture Agreement

Wholesaling Joint Venture Agreement

If I wanted to work with another wholesaler who would find the endbuyer on the property I had under contract. What will be the Joint Venture Agreement I sign with that wholesaler. Can anybody provide me with a Joint Venture Agreement Gear toward working with another wholesaler in this manner. Can that contract be writen where I could work with a number of wholesaler and who ever find me the endbuyer so that I could assigned the contract to is the only wholesaler getting compensated.


All info will be greatly appreciated



Please understand that you are selling deals - not houses. I would recommend if another wholesaler wants to work with you on a deal that you assign the deal to the wholesaler and be done with the transaction. Get paid and move forward.

Remember in most instances, you will at minimum have earnest money on the line - so at minimum the other wholesaler will need to match the earnest money so his money is at risk! I hope that this information helps!


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I actually have been working

I actually have been working on this alot! I have multiple wholesalers I have partnered with and have a really good working relationship with in my area. Any property they find and I bring the buyer or vice versa we just do a 50/50 split in profits on the deal. I actually have no agreement set up currently with any of them but I actually feel pretty safe because of my relationships with them...


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"

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