locking up a deal help? mentor?

locking up a deal help? mentor?

im wondering if anyone could help me with some questions i have about locking a deal up. im a semi experianced house flipper but have to use no money down assignments to get started back in real estate my buisness crashed and i cant afford the mentor program and have a fire for real estate looking for someone to help lead me in the right direction?

1.can i use all the forms online here in pennsylvania?

2.what wording do i use im afraid to make a mistake if i have a deal im looking to lock up and assign to an investor what exact steps do i do.

3.print the provided purchasee agreement off the site?
how do i properly fill it out?

4.i have to sign my name then and or assigns after it on this contract? will this allow me to assign it ? buy it myself? do a lease option?

5.whats the best route to get around earnest money?
if promisary note for it how do i incorporate this into the deal? details ?



I know you have a lot of good questions, and you mentioned not affording Deans academy. I was on unemployment and supported myself and had a mini farm. And my unemployment didn't cover monthly expenses. But I do have to say this. When you call the Academy, they will work out payments that you can handle and I put down a very small amount and they worked with me. Then late last fall, the unemployment quit. And I really hit even worse times. But I called them and they lowered the payments so I could hold on, and I missed about 4 months in payments. They will work with you. And it is well worth it. Or maybe find another person near you and partner together and share the cost. Only one of you can get the access to the training, but it is so worth it. And you can go back to it again and again to check on a lesson/training. It covers so many areas and walks you through it with a worksheet you can print. Then you have access to the forms on here.
I could answer some of your questions, but the webinar Dean has tonight is about to start and I want to be on it. But assignments are easy to do. And you can even find other contracts on line. But if you get one, just ask an agent if you have one you can work with, or an atty if that is for your state. And yes after your name as buyer, it must say, and or assigns. But they are all worded differently.
If I can get on later tonight, I will tell you how mine are worded. But be sure to have some exit strategies in place, so you don't get stuck!
And welcome to the site!!!

Hey Sam

This might be your lucky day. =)

I am an investor in the Philadelphia area, and I am actually looking to start partnering up and mentoring with other DG members in other areas. Pittsburgh is definitely an area I would like to get involved in, because I already know all of the laws here in PA.

I'm going to Private Message you my info, let me know if this is something you would be interested in.



Check Out my blog at: http://www.theflipkid.com

"We succeed because we pay our dues to meet our goals, and in doing so we expand our personal genius"

Larry F.
The Flip Kid

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