Proof of Funds

Proof of Funds

If the goal is to be making 25 low offers per month, do we need to print out a 25 different Proof of Funds letters or may we reuse the same letter multiple times? If so how many times?





Depends on what POF your using. If it's from a private lender, then you just have to update the date every couple months & I also think this is the best POF to use. Find someone who has cash in an acct. It's not like your going to get an offer excepted & wire their funds into escrow, without them knowing.
Also, hope your studying your market as it has been shifting left & right.
In my market "SD", just dropping offers is hard to accomplish. It's a people's business. Call agents & get to know them. You have to dig deep & not be afraid too. Or better yet, focus on getting to distressed home owners with equity, then you don't have to worry about POF.


Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
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Find Short Sales

Hey Greg, Just read your profile.
1st, good job for having some info in your profile. I see your up in L.A..

2. If you come across some distressed sellers looking to short sale, give me a ring or shoot me a message, asap. Good time at the end of the year to pick up some deals, especially with the possibility of the debt forgiveness act ending.

So Either get to the home owners or find the agents that are failing at the short sales & they will do whatever to keep their listing & stop the foreclosure for their seller. That's when we'll come in & get it done!


Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
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Yeah, what Jason said. I second that. Eye-wink


Rick Allison, Realtor
Amarillo, Texas USA

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