Fear and Understanding What It Is

Fear and Understanding What It Is

Fear is interesting. In nature an animal's fear can save its life. In humans fear can also save lives. It can also hold us back. This is what I would like to talk about.

Often times we tend to think that others are overly concerned with what we are doing. We feel like we are being watched and judged. Later on, when we talk to them, we find out they were not watching us at all.

Real estate is like many other things in life. When we are prepared we are more successful. Being unprepared is often a cause for failure. If we don't know the answer to something it is OK to go and get help. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF LOOKING DUMB. You are not dumb if you are trying to get information to make a good decision.

When I am in a deal and the other party tells me they need to to get some information I know they are doing one of two things. They are either running from the deal or they doing as they said. If they are doing as they said, great. If they are running there is nothing I can do. I can only control me.

Do not fear success. Often times we feel we do not deserve success. How is this shown? Wwe do not get out offers. We do not make our calls. We do not find our buyers.

I recently had a student call me and tell me there were no properties in his area. (A metro area of over 4 million.) He told me that the program would not work in his area. I found out he had made 2 offers in six months. He had not talked to a coach in five months. He had no buyers list. He allowed his fear to come out as anger.

All of us are a team. We belong to the DG family. I get amazed at the things students write on this site. There is a lot of help here. Get it when you need it. Do not let fear stop your dreams.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

This is just what I needed to hear.

Fear can also cause us to go into overload and not know where to begin. We become frozen. Even though we know that buyers + motivated sellers = paycheck. It causes one to wonder what would make them deserving. Real estate agent, sift and sort, crunch numbers, "as is" any condition motivated seller, make offers, buyers, strategy, due diligence, leverage and payday eventually. I always say endless opportunities abound so I MUST believe that I am deserving and JUST DO to overcome the fear.