20 Seconds....A Victory is never obtained without some kind of battle!

20 Seconds....A Victory is never obtained without some kind of battle!

Hey everyone, sorry been a bit since I've posted. I've been doing A LOT of reflecting. When situations arise, I fall off the grid, go within and just figure it out. Guess that makes me an introvert of something. lol Truthfully, the last 4 months probably been the toughest few months that I've been through so far in real estate. Don't get me wrong, I've done more deals, made more money than I ever have. But I have also learned more, grown more, been stretched more, taken several hits below the belt, been hurt, knocked down, failed more times than succeeded and worked harder than I ever have. Nothing for me to work 18-20 hrs a day, or work on 72 hr cycles. (meaning work three days straight then sleep sleep for 4-6 hrs. and repeat. This is 7 days a week.) I don't take days off. Only thing I 'pause' for something my son's involved in (school event, sports, etc.) No one asked or told me to do this. It is My choice. I am NOT complaining. I absolutely LOVE what I do. One of my biggest challenges is remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. But I have a 'now' mentality. Do it now, want it now, etc. lol What I have come to learn is that it's a process. That in the process it's weeding out the weak. (with in)

Saying all of this for one reason; the realization that I've had is: working harder or trying harder isn't the solution to achieving more. It really doesn't matter how well you can do something or how much time you spend on it -- if it's the wrong thing to do! More of the same just gives you more of the same! Things that may have worked for you in the past may very likely sooner or later lose their serviceability. You can reach a point of diminishing returns-trying harder and harder starts producing less and less. Which is where I have been. Going harder than ever, completely exhausted, frustrated and BARELY breaking the previous months volume, sometimes less.

Then I faced what I knew but delayed pulling the trigger on. I had the veil removed from my eyes. You go to your friends to hear what you want to hear, find and go to a mentor to tell you what you NEED to hear if you want to get better and grow. Even if it stings! I simply mirrored actions, followed direction and council from my mentor. Who by far has one of the most brilliant business mindsets I've ever seen, is the most influential person of character and unwavering determination that I have ever experienced.

I had to rapidly and vigorously employed new behaviors, new attitudes, new thoughts. Ignoring the usual, ignore conventional. Suspend disbelief. Key is to get out of the way! Saying No, so you can grow! Focus on the system! Realizing I was in a 'Me" business. Guess what 'Me' is capped! lol Trying to carry all the weight myself because I had dysfunctional systems. As Dean says 'what gets you out of Egypt, won't get you to the promise land!" Became applicable and truly manifested in my life.

So what did I do.....cleaned house! Yeah, still right now.....going at a pretty hard pace, carrying more weight because I immediately removed multiple people. So actually the 'pain' has even intensified. I was working out with a personal trainer until recently. But something he used to say when he was 'killing me' - lol Was "Jen 20 seconds, you can do anything for 20 seconds. That's not pain....you feel no pain. It's Your time Jen, Prove to me you want it! Do the d#%n thing!" I'd actually catch another gear! This is all that this it is to me......'20 seconds'! I can and will push through because I know it's only a temporary pain. Reward is coming! Victory is never obtained without some kind of battle.

I've hire a full time personal assistant that her only job is to take everything off my plate that does not create revenue and removes me from what I do best. Also employing two more full time positions and one part-time. Last Thursday I put in an offer on commercial property. Class A office facility. That I will run multiple businesses out of. I've either got to get a bigger house or get an office! haha!

Thank you my mentor!! You're a world changer!

Break some stuff to have a breakthrough!

As Joe Polish says “Work Hard on Smart Things!”

"Don't be denied! The world can't stop someone who won't be denied!" Matt Larson

Winners play hurt and they do it with a headache! Smiling


Very motivational words Jen.

Very motivational words Jen. I liked what you said about being able to do anything for 20 seconds, it is so true! I too have gotten over-burdened with the things that take me away from making money and are very time comsuming. I hired a virtual assistant, but I think that I may need to find someone closer to home. Keep pushing, full speed ahead Eye-wink God bless!




~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~


This is a good one!




~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~

Thanks Again Jen

This is a good one. I don't know how I missed it. I really needed to read something like this right now.

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