Joined: 2009-10-06
Points: 367

N. California
About Me:
After falling back into life and more set backs than I care to remember I am starting over again. As they say, failure cannot cope with persistence. I am not much for posting, but do visit this site as often as possible. I am thankful for the information that is shared here.I am also always interested in networking and possibly partnering with others if it works for all interested parties.
what part of calf
hey anthony,,cant find too many who lives in calif,im in northern part lake county area,new at this but doing the 30day pogram,justgetting thephone calls in,plus a list of good potential.alot of good but cheap homes up here ,problem not alot of work to be had here too,it could be a good killing up here if i could only no how to do it proper,hope to hear from u back. steve